Following the lore

I hope I explain this sufficiently so people understand what I am asking. I know there is no built in 'quest' so to speak but I want to follow the storyline as it has unfolded. As far as I can tell, there has been a number of 'stories' unfolding. I presume all of the 'stories' make up part of a bigger story. Is there a way to follow one or all of these 'stories' from the beginning? For instance you get an early tidbit by going to the Jameson crash site and reading the log entries. Great! Where to from there? I am not looking to read the whole storyline from an external website that has put it all together (if such a website exists). I think I want to walk it out so to speak in-game. Did that make sense?
Hello Cmdr G! I'll try to answer you, but remember that my vision is limited by my in-game experience, I could be wrong.

There are two kind of Lore: the "in-game Lore" (i.e. the Logs from Jameson crash site) and the "GalNet Lore" (i.e. GalNet news you read almost daily). GalNet gives us the "bigger view", the narrative arc that encompass our journey in Elite Dangerous. It is long-term, pure text, and serves to link the several in-game event. Most of the narrative, expecially lately, is driven by Community Goals, as the outcome of these week-wide event will influence what the media will tell in the following weeks. Given this "live" nature, you cannot follow along from the beginning, because you cannot live again the Community Goal and influence the choice that has been made by the community.

If you want to "follow along" a story arc, though, there are several historical landmarks that tell stories you can follow: the ones that come on top of my mind are the INRA bases and the Generation Ships. Search the Elite Dangerous wiki for references, I don't know if I'm allowed to post links here in forum.
INRA it's a true story arc: you go to the first place, find clues, go to other places, till the story comes together and you arrive to the final destination (which you may have already visited without knowing was part of the arc).
In general, you can "follow along" storyes that left a permanent landmark (e.g., the Adamastor storyline i think you can still follow, I do not know if the Hesperus and the 13 listening posts are still active, etc). It is all part of micro-stories, though, somethimes glue together by GalNet news.

  • If you want to follow past stories, search websites like elite dangerous wiki or canonn website to find a "storyline" or a "mistery" you want to follow for yourself and go visit the places first hand.
  • If you want to follow the "main" narrative, select a date in the past (like, 1 year, 6 months ago) and start reading GalNet news. Whenever a news refers to a physical landmark, go visit it to read the log! If it's not there, maybe it moved later (in case of megaships or such), so just go on with the news to catch up. These kind of log are generally self-contained, relying on the steady stream of GalNet news to tell you the overall story. But it's a good archive for you to have since it builds up your awareness for the event in the universe.

Hope this long answer will help you!

CMDR Greyskin87
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