Forum Rules and Guidelines

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Brett C

Welcome to the Frontier forums!

Our aim is to have a friendly and welcoming community where you can catch up on game updates, discuss content, provide feedback, and engage with others about everything to do with Frontier and its games.

To ensure that our community forums are a safe, respectful, and enjoyable place for all, we ask that you read and follow these community guidelines.

Both the Frontier Community Team and the Frontier Volunteer Moderation team are here to make sure that all forum users follow these guidelines and that everyone can enjoy these spaces. We may take any actions necessary to keep the forums friendly and safe. If you feel that a moderation action was taken against you incorrectly, please refer to the appeal process below.

Please note that Frontier Volunteer Moderators are not official Frontier Staff, but awesome members of the community who are volunteering to help you have the best experience. They are freely permitted to join in any debate or discussion on our forums. However, once they get involved in a thread, they are not permitted to actively moderate it due to a possible conflict of interest. Any moderation of said threads will be performed by another Volunteer Moderator.

These rules are subject to change at Frontier’s sole discretion.

Brett C

1) Respect official Forum Rules and Guidelines

Please be mindful of any forum-specific guidelines set out in threads or comments from Frontier Staff and Volunteer Moderators on the forums. These rules will be set out in the specific forum by either the Frontier Community Team or the Volunteer Moderation team, and you agree to adhere to them when posting to that particular section of the forums. Unless stated any rules outside of those listed here only apply to the specific forum areas they are posted in. This also includes rules set in specific threads.

Please note that polls and petitions are not permitted on the forums. Constructive feedback however, is welcome.
Please note that whilst we do appreciate the appeal of game modifications (‘Mods’) that links, images or promotion of Mods are not permitted on our forums.

Any images or media uploaded/embedded on the forums, even if they are hosted elsewhere, will be judged as actions on the official forums. This may result in offences if this content breaks the rules in any way.

2) No Flaming, trolling, harassment, and/or badgering

The forums do not permit any threads, posts, messages or content that is used to flame, troll, bait, harass or otherwise personally attack other forum users, individuals, Frontier Staff or Frontier Volunteer Moderators. Any discussion should always be directed at the content and not a person.
You must not link to any content outside of the forums designed to harass, or personally attack others.

3) There is a Zero-Tolerance Policy on posts containing:
  • Pornographic, erotic, lewd material;
  • Illegal (e.g. warez, pirated) software, cheating or hacking (be it websites or game services/client);
  • Discussion of cheating methods;
  • Trademarked / copyrighted content that does not belong to you;
  • Discriminatory, racist, sexist, or offensive content;
  • References to non-game related illegal drugs, narcotics, drug paraphernalia, or illegal substances;
  • Discussion of non-game related criminal activity;
  • References to harm or bring about real-world harm to any individual or group;
  • Harassment or attacks on individual members of staff or Frontier teams
  • Other content that Frontier Staff or the Volunteer Moderation Team deem unsuitable, or if it is in dispute from the owner of the content.
This includes content linking to 3rd party websites that contain such content.

4) Impersonation or harassment of other members, Frontier Staff, or Volunteer Moderators, is not permitted.

We do not allow the Impersonation of other members, Frontier Staff, or Volunteer Moderators on the Frontier forums.

This also includes backseat/sideseat moderating, which is where you act like a moderator towards other users. Please allow our Volunteer Moderators to do the moderating. If you feel a post requires action, please report it to our Moderation Team so they can investigate.
This includes content linking to 3rd party websites that contain such content.

5) Avoid Spamming, or off-topic replies.

Spam is defined as posting content to the forums that is completely irrelevant to the forum or thread. For example, gibberish, going completely off-topic or mindless bumping.

Please avoid deliberately disruptive content such as back-to-back posts, posts that are significantly off-topic, or continuous replies to posts in a short period of time.

Use of AI to generate forum posts for you, even if on topic, is a process used by spam accounts and may see your posts be removed. Please use your own words when posting on the forums.

6) Do not post personal, sensitive, or confidential information

We do not permit the disclosure of such material on the Frontier forums. This is to ensure your safety, as well as the safety of those around you.

This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Posting of emails or personal email addresses;
  • Posting of Private Messages;
  • Doxxing of any type;
  • Any contact details;
  • Phone numbers, messaging service contacts;
  • Requests asking for other players to provide details or to discuss these details privately;
  • Personal payment details, donation sites or payment links;
  • etc
This includes content linking to 3rd party websites that contain such content.

7) English Only Posts

The Frontier forums have dedicated sections for you to engage with other players in the language of your choice. We ask that you not post outside of those sections in any language other than English.

8) Refrain from bumping or hijacking threads

The occasional bumping of threads is permitted. However, please be mindful that doing this too often could be considered spamming.

We do not permit threads to be hijacked on our forums with posts unrelated to the ongoing

discussion within a thread. Hijacking a thread is defined by injecting content to a discussion that does not correlate to the current discussion.

9) Do not evade the swear / profanity filter

This is a family-friendly forum; we do not stand for the usage of swearing or masked swearing.

Intentionally evading the filter will result in moderation to your posted content to comply with our community guidelines.

10) Do not advertise non-Frontier related websites

We do not permit the forums to be used as a medium for publishing, spamvertising, or advertising non-Frontier related products.

If you have a fan site or fan server for a Frontier game, you’re more than welcome to put it in your signature, as a signature picture, or as your avatar.

You are welcome to discuss 3rd party products and other company products within our off-topic forum section, but avoid promoting or advertising them.

11) You are one person; you are allowed one forum account

You are only permitted to have one forum account; any duplicates will be removed.

Please refrain from sharing your forum account; it is linked to your Frontier account and profile, so this could result in loss of game access if misused.

If you need to setup a secondary account, such as a lore-related or news-posting only account, please email for permission.

12) No naming and shaming or witch-hunting

We do not permit our forums to be used as a medium to name and shame, or to witch-hunt other

people in our games. If you feel you need to bring an individual to our attention please contact our support team here.

This includes content linking to 3rd party websites that contain such content.

13) No political or religious discussion
These forums are used by individuals of all nations, beliefs and creeds. To ensure everyone can enjoy the forums we ask that you not post any threads or content that discussions religious or political topics as they can cause offence and upset.

14) Do not contest/discuss a moderation action in public

Volunteer Moderator actions aren’t always correct; if you feel that a moderation action was performed against you incorrectly, please follow the 'Appealing a Moderation Action' guide below. Openly posting about a moderation action upon you or others on the forums is not permitted and posts regarding them will be removed. Continued arguments against moderation may result in further action towards your account.

Brett C

Appealing a moderation action

To appeal a moderation action against you, please review our FAQ and raise a Support ticket. Harassment, insults and threats sent to us will be ignored. Please be aware that as advisory warnings contain no points or punishment and act solely as informative messages on rule breaking activity, appeals against these may not receive a response.

Posting about it on the forums as a thread or reply to a thread is not a valid method to initiate an investigation on whether or not the moderation action performed was correct.

Avatar & Username Policy

Avatar Policy
  • Maximum size of any user's avatar can be no more than 1MB.
  • There is no maximum size in pixels of your uploaded avatar - the forums will always create four variants of it: small / thumbnail, avatar, large, original.
  • A logical size is around 400x400 pixels.

  • Your avatar may be animated but please avoid images that rapidly flash/strobe, rapidly change colour, or are generally distracting. These can affect other users and may be removed.
  • Avatars may not contain content that would be in violation of the forum rules or Terms of Service.
  • Avatars may not contain content designed to impersonate or mock another individual.
  • Avatars impersonating Frontier Staff or of the Volunteer Moderation Team is not permitted.
  • Usage of the Frontier Logo, Elite Logo or other associated Frontier games is permitted as your avatar, provided you do not make your posts appear as they are officially posted by Frontier Staff or the Volunteer Moderation Team.

Username Policy

Choose a username that is suitable around an ESRB rating of an "E for Everyone" game. Please avoid usernames of the following…
  • Offensive names or names designed to cause upset and anger
  • Leet-speak names.
  • Names designed to impersonate or mock another individual.
  • Names that would be in violation of the forum rules and guidelines. General Username Notes
  • All usernames can have spaces, underscores, and dashes to separate or split up phrases.
  • Try to refrain from using clan, guild, or group tags in your username.
  • Choose a username that will suit you here.
  • You can change your forums username via your user control panel if you input a username not to your liking.
  • You can change your forum username a total of six times.
  • Once you reach six username changes, you will not be permitted to change it again.
  • All usernames are subject to the forum rules and terms of services.
Users with usernames found to be in violation will be required to change their name upon email, customer support ticket, or private message / conversation notice. If no suitable replacement name is given within a Frontier Staff or Volunteer Moderator's advisory window via Private Message, ticket or email, then Frontier reserves the right to modify, change your username to something more suitable, or suspend the forum account until a suitable name is given.

Brett C

Forum Signature Policy
  • If no images are used, Signatures may be no more than five lines of text.
  • Signatures are permitted a simple image.
  • Images uploaded can be animated.
  • Maximum file size of the image can be no more than 250KB (0.25MB).
  • Maximum height of an image allowed: 200 pixels.
  • Maximum width of an image allowed: 650 pixels.
  • Note that the usage of the Quote BB Code is three lines of text. You're better to copy paste text, linking to the source material.
  • The maximum characters of text allowed in signatures is 2,500. This includes BBCode. Signatures with a signature image:
  • If your signature has an image of 51 to 200 pixels tall... You are permitted to have up to two lines of text above, below, or around the image.
  • If your signature has an image of 1 to 50 pixels tall... You are permitted to have up to four lines of text above, below, or around the image.
  • If you do not use an image in your signature... You are permitted to use all five lines for text input.
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