FPS locked at 60FPS

I'm unsure why, but my FPS in ED VR is locked in at 60FPS. SteamVR is using the default settings on Index. How do I unlock it to go perform above 60FPS? Below are the settings I set in various menus.






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Sounds like you have your Index set at 120Hz (wishful thinking in this game) and either Motion Smoothing is forced to 'Always on' or you are not managing to reach 120FPS and as such Motion Smoothing is halving your frame rate to 60FPS.

I'd say your GPU has little chance of maintaining 120FPS in this title so I'd recommend loweing your Index to either 80 or 90Hz. The lower frame rate target may even let you boost some of those settings a little.
Thanks for the reply.

I tried different refresh rates, and turned off motion smoothing. FPS still runs at half the refresh rate. 72 @ 144Hz; 60 @ 120Hz, 45 @ 90Hz.
Enable G-Sync for 'windowed' mode.

I reporeted this issue to Steam over a year ago but nobody cares.
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