fpsVR; a rude but necessary awakening

Hi aXeL. Really appreciate you taking the time to write this up.

But I can't seem to get open composite to see my EDO dll in the configure window. Been scratching my head over this for an hour or so.
OpenXR Tools and Toolkit are installed. OpenComposite has been downloaded and the OpenComposite.exe run.
Switch to opencomposite selected and then click on configure, all that's in this window is Steam and nothing else.
I've tried running the game several times, but all I get in my reverb2 is WMR home.

I'm doing something wrong, I know. But what?

Please enlighten me :unsure:
I knew it!!
5 minutes after I posted the above, managed to get it working.
For me, I had to run the game through steam and tell it to use SteamVR - even although it was uninstalled.

Anyways, thanks again @aXeL

From what I can see it's running better already. Just need to get my head around the method of changing the settings in Opencomposite.
Somerled & aXeL - can you please see my post here..

....I have the same problem as you Somerled (have to tell it to use SteamVR even though it doesn't.....it's set to use OpenXR)

My problem is, in order to load Horizons 3.8, I have to fire it up using EDProfiler, where it then fails :(
Hi bobtuck.
So far, I've only tried it with EDO for a brief time yesterday.

If I get some time in the next few days, I'll give it a try with EDH.
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I have find that i have to use low settings and FSR on quality to have a good numbers of fps on my 6800 with a reberb G2
I have a similar graphics card (6900XT), and I'm toying with the idea of getting a G2... it would be an upgrade from my Rift S. How would you describe the visuals? With the Rift S, there is lots of aliasing (and screendoor effect), even at maximum settings.
I have a similar graphics card (6900XT), and I'm toying with the idea of getting a G2... it would be an upgrade from my Rift S. How would you describe the visuals? With the Rift S, there is lots of aliasing (and screendoor effect), even at maximum settings.
My 2 creds are that aliasing is still there, but not nearly as bad, because you can now turn down super sampling and HMD quality settings (which creates all kinds of artifacts). Screen door is practically gone. I came from the Samsung Odyssey plus, and the reverb was a revelation. Even after dialing everything down to medium settings. E: D just feels and looks right in the Reverb. :)
Excellent, thank you!
I just hope I'll have enough money left over this time... been planning to get one for at least a year... well, two kids are an expensive hobby. But well worth it. :giggle:
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