Frameshift Live 'Halloween Special' Reschedule

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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
FSL_HS (1).png

Greetings Commanders.

Like the shadows that creep across the station walls just before your bed time, our Frameshift Live 'Halloween Special' is creeping even closer with yet another reschedule from Tuesday the 24th of October to now Monday the 23rd of October.

Our apologies for yet another reshuffle of plans around recent streams at this time. Thank you all so much for your understanding and flexibility. It means a lot to us.

We'll be sure to update all instances of where the schedule is promoted as quickly as possible o7

Live time remains the same as always - 16:00 BST.
You can find us as usual on Twitch and YouTube.​

Exclusive Halloween Twitch Drops!
As an early treat to go with this, I'd like to show you a preview of the extra special, exclusive paint job drops you'll be able to claim if you tune in via Twitch!

Introducing -


The Noctule Underworld set......
Also! Where there's usually 2 exclusive, seasonal drops per show - this time there will be FOUR to collect!

Available drops:
  • Underworld Anaconda
  • Underworld Asp Explorer
  • Underworld Python
  • Underworld Cobra MkIII
We'll share the drop timings with you live on air on the day.

Special Guests!
We'll also be welcoming back some special guests!
Graduate Gameplay Programmer Max and Lead Audio Designer Robin will be joining Arthur and I for a chat about Update 17, sharing a little more insight into the inner workings of the latest content.

As always and once again we'll have all of the latest news, community happenings, that darn monitor giveaway (thanks Arf) and more as part of the show too.

Once again, our apologies for yet another reshuffle of our plans. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility with us at this time.

We're really excited to see you there, as always.

Have a great day o7
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