Friend trading

This would be great. Especially when you wanna trade some special animals (for a fair/cheep price)

I would also like a feature to be able to look in my friends zoo maybe. Not only my avatar going there, i wanna really watch what he is building.

And the biggest thing would be building together at the same time in one zoo. Aint that easy for sure, but i dont think its completely impossible. Like in minecraft for example.
it would be nice if we could trade with friends, maybe there could be a limit per day, like 1-2 trades with steamfriends per day as a special feature and everything else must be offered on the regular market
During beta I had suggested that the Animal Market window be expanded with the following features:

1. Ability to "favorite" zoos
2. Ability to "Block" zoos
3. Ability to filter list to show only favorites or hide blocked zoos
4. Ability to place animals for sale only to favorite zoos
Great for those who are part of a wide community for gaming but for those who aren't it's a little limiting on their options don't you think ?

I'd only consider this viable if for every "friend" trade the exact spec animal was created for the general market by Frontier (i.e. your animal is cloned and passed to your friend, with the clone hitting the market for the exact same price)
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