Frontier Unlocked #1 | Wednesday 31 January 2024

The other game was Planet Zoo on console.
No, it should be "another unannounced title", that's what it says in this post.
The fact that PZ will have a console version was revealed before the broadcast and a trailer was shown.
Also in the title of the stream "TWO big game announcements" , the announcement trailer for the PZ was a day earlier.
And how can the console version sound like a "BIG game announcement" if it's just a copy of the game for another platform?
On the stream they definitely talked for a minute about a new game that will be released in 2024, instead of 2025, and everyone will really like it, but that’s all that was said.
No, it should be "another unannounced title", that's what it says in this post.
The fact that PZ will have a console version was revealed before the broadcast and a trailer was shown.
When the post was published, Planet Zoo on Console hadn't been announced yet. They didn't say the game would be announced during the stream. They said "We'll have exciting details on TWO upcoming games" and "The team will be taking a closer look at the newly announced Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters on console, plus another unannounced title". The unannounced le was revealed the day before the stream.
So I was on YouTube and spotted a Thargoid....

So is console ever getting a second look? I get they needed to fix PC first and I also get the old ones where to old.There is new consoles out there and alot more off them out there Maybe give console a second chance.We've been left out long enough .And I would rather the money I would have to spend on GeForce now go straight to FDev . Coffers .There is over 6 million consoles sold to date, that number is only going to get bigger. Starfield proved there is a market for space legs. 10 million copies sold on Steam !!!And as far as I am concerned,fdev just does space better. Is is just mind boggling that they would shut
themselves out of such a huge market.
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I guess one can't entirely ignore that the "live" nature of this game puts more of an impetus on the developer to keep all supported platforms abreast with one another, than FDev's other games, which can get a port a year later, and that only means the added players on those platforms get started at that later date.

A player could justifiably feel cheated, if they missed months of ephemeral events, every time there's an update, if they had to wait for their edition to catch up. -Argueably avoidable, if content could be reliably produced and scheduled for dispensing over time, far enough ahead that you always had a buffer of to keep the player base interested, whilst you get all your ducks in the same row...
I wonder if it had been PC being ignored if the shout would have been any different ?
The problem has always been the lack of communication and ignoring the player base doesn't really go down well. Hence the console question. But I wouldn't expect anything less for Elite commanders
It's been going on for years and will carry on til the lights are switched off ( not a doom post all things come to an end )
Also the console question is coming from a place of genuine love for the game!
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Tune in Wednesday 31st January at 18:00 UTC for the very first Frontier Unlocked livestream! We'll have exciting details on TWO upcoming games, as well as a sneak peek at what’s in store throughout 2024.

The team will be taking a closer look at the newly announced Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters on console, plus another unannounced title. Viewers will also be treated to an exclusive taster of the road ahead for Elite Dangerous in 2024, as well as the chance to get their hands on some amazing competition prizes, Twitch drops, and more.
When will we find out the details for stream #2?
Could we get the details for the next stream please in terms of what it includes? Last month the agenda came a week early so hoping to get more info today
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