Simple things like Black Holes and White Dwarves.
it's a passing message like any other, so it can be missed or covered by other messages. But yeah, you get that info, at the start of the countdown, I think.It already tells you in the Info panel (top right). I don't think it shows it for the entire countdown though, so I guess it's easy to miss.
No, I am not trying to avoid them, it is more in the way of not being caught unprepared. This would give you that 4 second window where you can't do anything else to identify the star.You can see them coming, well you can if you are an experienced explorer, but is it that you want to avoid them? There's a route setting for that.
No, I am not trying to avoid them, it is more in the way of not being caught unprepared. This would give you that 4 second window where you can't do anything else to identify the star.
We are literally talking about injecting a single line of code into the middle of an existing procedure, something along the lines of:
PRINT "Star Class: " Jump_Target_Star_Class$
where the variable has already been defined because it is used in the INFO window.
Its pretty easy, it tells you when you jump.Simple request, add the Star Class under the System name, above the Security Level.
View attachment 407444
Alternatively, it could go on the Jump target, but the point is to make an awareness that is not in the perishable Information window.
Concept submitted, no further entries this thread
...and now I am violating my statement to myself.That's not how discussion forums work, you want to stop people discussing your idea you need to get the mods to close the thread, otherwise it's discuss on my friends!
If your declaration had been more explicit you might not have needed to come back....and now I am violating my statement to myself.
It was a declaration, not an ordination. I chose not to continue contributing and announced that fact.
I have refrained from expressing my opinion about your statements because I am uninterested in acquiring another soft ban for flaming.