Full ADMIRAL or KING rank to purchase a Fleet Carrier?

I think Frontier have lost interest in rank-locking ships. The introduction of the Chieftain and Krait ships last year would have been the time for Frontier to introduce an Alliance rank grind. But they didn't.

I guess a little because the rank grind wasn't all that popular, and a lot because people are less likely to buy paintjobs for ships they have the credits but not the rank to buy.

Think there'll be paintjobs to buy for the Fleet Carriers?
Seems logical, so it may never happen but I see some difficulty with private fleets/squadrons wanting their own "custom" fleet/squadron FC skins.
Frontier could put out a template for players to design their own Fleet Carrier paintjobs and then (after looking them over for obscenities) put them in the game. I imagine such a service would cost many, many ARX.
I see no point in rank-locking FCs, assuming they are ever introduced.

I am Elite in trade and Admiral in Fed ranking but, to be honest, I don't see the point of FCs.

Some have suggested that a 500 LY jump range is an advantage...but my AspX and Conda can both do that in 11 jumps anyway - which equates to about 11 minutes of playing time.

What then is the point of an FC that I cannot pilot, cannot fly...and a ship that doesn'y even allow me to visit the bridge?
Why not?
Navy ranks are honourary and show a degree of trust in the ability of the Cmdr by both superpower navies.
Probably need ranking to get the permit to get to the locked shipyard system to buy a carrier.
I don't know what it is that really annoys me when people end the first post in a thread with "discuss." But it makes me unreasonably annoyed. Pretty weird.

Sorry for intruding with that. I just... yeah. back to your thread. Discuss.
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