Powerplay Faction: Aisling Duval Galactic Standings for the Week Starting 18th of February, 3302 - Cycle 38

There was a lot of work do be done this turn and everyone pulled together to get it all completed in time.

This turn we had several objectives:
1) We had to win another prep war with Chnumar - though much smaller than last turn's 5C efforts. This was done and Ekono successfully prepped.
2) We had to beat out the opposition of HIP 77470 and see its expansion through to completion.
3) We had to overcome significant undermining of our control systems so not to go into turmoil and lose HIP 77470 that way.

This was all done and we are now the proud owners of our new frontier system HIP 77470.

Thanks to everyone for all their hard work!

Our place in the Galactic Standings moved up two to 4th!

This week's standings (and CC balances) follow:

1. Edmund Mahon (365 CC)
2. Zachary Hudson (671 CC)
3. Felicia Winters (442 CC)
4. Aisling Duval (243 CC)
5. Zemina Torval (154 CC)
6. Li Yong-Rui (234 CC)
7. A Lavigny-Duval (-983 CC, Turmoil)
8. Pranav Antal (206 CC)
9. Denton Patreus (526 CC)
10. Archon Delaine (169 CC)

Aisling Duval's team Slack has become popular.

For more info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MhWMTLvH7bttm8YDHnvlEyY6JOGmD92bBg1QEEi7IA/edit
You can apply to join here: https://dinusty.typeform.com/to/ewQU8A
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