GALNET - 05 JUL 3307 - NMLA Political Wing Causes Controversy

GALNET - 05 JUL 3307 - NMLA Political Wing Causes Controversy

The NMLA paramilitary group has confirmed that the Marlinism Reformation Party faction now acts as its political representative.

An anonymous statement was broadcast via the NMLA’s propaganda channels:

“We support Minister Whyte in representing the Neo-Marlinist cause and speaking on our behalf. Our objectives remain unchanged – the removal of the Duval family and democratic elections within the Empire.”

Reactions were covered by several newsfeeds:

The Imperial Herald: “Senator Scordato’s proposal to open diplomatic relations with the Marlinist Colonies is already contentious. But could the Emperor ever accept dialogue with the extremists who tried to murder the Imperial Family?”

The Federal Times: “The idea of negotiating with terrorists is as abhorrent to the Empire as to the Federation. And yet, the opportunity to prevent another ‘Nine Martyrs’ cannot be ignored.”

The Alliance Tribune: “In the absence of any breakthroughs from ACT, perhaps peaceful discussion is how we defuse the terrorist threat... even if that was the NMLA’s endgame all along.”

The Marlin Standard: “Many of our people welcome closer ties with the Empire, especially if it involves contacting friends and families left behind. But the NMLA using our parliament as its platform has caused widespread unrest. With Aaron Whyte being openly challenged by other ministers, a Marlinist civil war no longer seems unthinkable.”

Reactions were covered by several newsfeeds:

The Imperial Herald: “Senator Scordato’s proposal to open diplomatic relations with the Marlinist Colonies is already contentious. But could the Emperor ever accept dialogue with the extremists who tried to murder the Imperial Family?”

No, she won't do that. The NMLA needs to be brought to justice.

The Federal Times: “The idea of negotiating with terrorists is as abhorrent to the Empire as to the Federation. And yet, the opportunity to prevent another ‘Nine Martyrs’ cannot be ignored.”

M-hm... Hudson just wants the Empire to look too weak to deal with terrorists... that the Fednecks were enabling the NMLA by inaction (cough LTT 1935 cough) gets ignored, as usual...

The Alliance Tribune: “In the absence of any breakthroughs from ACT, perhaps peaceful discussion is how we defuse the terrorist threat... even if that was the NMLA’s endgame all along.”

Hey, Alliance, just a reminder: The IISS representitive was on the NMLA's trail just hours after the Nine-Martyr-Bombings... the other two failed to deliver any progress so far 🧐

The Marlin Standard: “Many of our people welcome closer ties with the Empire, especially if it involves contacting friends and families left behind. But the NMLA using our parliament as its platform has caused widespread unrest. With Aaron Whyte being openly challenged by other ministers, a Marlinist civil war no longer seems unthinkable.”


In their currently weakend state I doubt those fledgling colonies would survive that without outside help... guess we found our next CG here. :unsure:
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Its been a bit quiet on the ALD Patty front, I wonder where they are? Extended 'working holiday' perhaps?
As I theorized somewhere else my guess would be that they stuffed Arissa in some really remote and well hidden bunker somewhere so the NMLA cannot get to her, especially since there are not many Duvals left... Arissa, Aisling and Hadrian really need to get their act together and produce some heirs ;)
Maternity leave?
As I theorized somewhere else my guess would be that they stuffed Arissa in some really remote and well hidden bunker somewhere so the NMLA cannot get to her, especially since there are not many Duvals left... Arissa, Aisling and Hadrian really need to get their act together and produce some heirs ;)
Its what I mean, has Dentons brutal Imperial masculinity caught ALDs perfectionist eye?
As I theorized somewhere else my guess would be that they stuffed Arissa in some really remote and well hidden bunker somewhere so the NMLA cannot get to her, especially since there are not many Duvals left... Arissa, Aisling and Hadrian really need to get their act together and produce some heirs ;)
It's been a long time though. The only person speaking for her is someone who was involved, one way or another, in the death of the former Emperor. And we haven't seen her for quite a long time.
Just saying.
GALNET - 05 JUL 3307 - NMLA Political Wing Causes Controversy


The Marlin Standard: “Many of our people welcome closer ties with the Empire, especially if it involves contacting friends and families left behind. But the NMLA using our parliament as its platform has caused widespread unrest. With Aaron Whyte being openly challenged by other ministers, a Marlinist civil war no longer seems unthinkable.”

Lazy reporting from TMS. There's been a Marlinist Civil war ongoing for a while. Whyte's party has been ejected from HIP 22550 and it's a matter of time elsewhere.
On a slightly unrelated sidenote, since we've been talking about people you haven't heard about for quite some time: What's the current status of the remaining Rochester-clan? :unsure:
Calling it... they want to put a suicide bomber in the Senate for a future occasion in which happens to be multiple, if not all, Duvals present... then throw some extremist speech like "you'd think we peacefully sit in the same room as the Duval family we want removed?"

It's crazy that any superpower would support this when it hasn't even been an year since the last genocide. This kind of approach should take like decades, or even generations of peace.

Even the broader marlinist community doesn't like it.

It's crazy that any superpower would support this when it hasn't even been an year since the last genocide. This kind of approach should take like decades, or even generations of peace.

I mean... Elite's development pace is slow, but not that slow.
I'm waiting for the plot twist where ALD finally emerges in a 500ft space-going mecha suit leaving Patty and Blue Angel gawping and personally hunts down Theta7. Who, coincidentally, in a further plot twist, has also been working on a 600ft mecha suit all this time...

I mean, I'd participate in that CG...
This is getting stretched out a tad. Proposal has been made, great, now the media pressure is applied, hopefully a decision will be made eventually.

I'm still predicting it'll be accepted, that's why the mainstream media is suddenly united in support of this now. Marlinist combat CG just before or just after that. And then finally ACT make the reveal. Eventually.
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