Experimental Weapons Stabiliser Becomes Available



26 JAN 3309
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
The class 3 experimental weapon stabiliser is now available following Azimuth Biotech’s delivery initiative in LHS 1163.

The corporation’s PR division confirmed the release of its new product in a press release:

“This variant of Azimuth’s experimental weapons stabiliser is now widely available for purchase. By redirecting and absorbing internal stresses, it allows a ship to carry a total of five AX weapons rather than the previous limit of four. The class 5 variant of the stabiliser, which permits two additional AX weapons, is scheduled to reach the market next week.”

“Our manufacturing partners were able to begin this rapid production cycle thanks to receiving great quantities of meta-alloys, insulating membranes, HN shock mounts and beryllium. Pilots who delivered these materials can now collect their rewards from the Glorious Prospect megaship in the LHS 1163 system.”

“Azimuth Biotech remains fully committed to supporting anti-xeno initiatives. Our team will continue playing a significant role in combating Thargoid aggression and protecting innocent lives.”
Retail outlets have reported an increase in purchases for both AX missile racks and multi-cannons, including the enhanced designs recently produced by the engineers Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo.

The class 5 variant of the experimental weapons stabiliser is expected to further boost sales of AX weaponry when released on Thursday 2nd February.
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Experimental Weapons Stabiliser Becomes Available



26 JAN 3309
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
The class 3 experimental weapon stabiliser is now available following Azimuth Biotech’s delivery initiative in LHS 1163.

The corporation’s PR division confirmed the release of its new product in a press release:

“This variant of Azimuth’s experimental weapons stabiliser is now widely available for purchase. By redirecting and absorbing internal stresses, it allows a ship to carry a total of five AX weapons rather than the previous limit of four. The class 5 variant of the stabiliser, which permits two additional AX weapons, is scheduled to reach the market next week.”

“Our manufacturing partners were able to begin this rapid production cycle thanks to receiving great quantities of meta-alloys, insulating membranes, HN shock mounts and beryllium. Pilots who delivered these materials can now collect their rewards from the Glorious Prospect megaship in the LHS 1163 system.”

“Azimuth Biotech remains fully committed to supporting anti-xeno initiatives. Our team will continue playing a significant role in combating Thargoid aggression and protecting innocent lives.”
Retail outlets have reported an increase in purchases for both AX missile racks and multi-cannons, including the enhanced designs recently produced by the engineers Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo.

The class 5 variant of the experimental weapons stabiliser is expected to further boost sales of AX weaponry when released on Thursday 2nd February.
Where exactly is it available? And under which module class?
Sitting at Rescue ship Kisseih in Blest system and realise that my delivery of Meta alloys was not enough to be able to buy this module. :eek:(
Have anyone found these yet? As usual, new item is being relased, along with galnet article, yet in-game is not yet made it. Been at 3 rescue megaships and they aint had it. Neither is available on mbooni or any of azimuth megaship as well.

But some cmdrs should be have those on thier storage, if they did haul and made into top 50%. I wonder if they got it or not, but since there is no single review of this module yet, I guess they aint have it yet.
You know, the Challenger suddenly looks interesting. It comes with two size 3 optimals, which one can easily be used for the AX+, which would then allow for two medium and two small Salvation shards/plasmas, one large AX MC turreted or gimballed, one flak launcher and one small thermal vent beam turret. Should work well in CZs against scouts and interceptors. Or am I missing something?
You know, the Challenger suddenly looks interesting. It comes with two size 3 optimals, which one can easily be used for the AX+, which would then allow for two medium and two small Salvation shards/plasmas, one large AX MC turreted or gimballed, one flak launcher and one small thermal vent beam turret. Should work well in CZs against scouts and interceptors. Or am I missing something?

yep, Suddenly the Challenger get interesting with various combination of 6ax weapons plus an utility like flak or long range thermal vent beam
however, having only a size 6 PD kinda limits the options

edit: even more interesting will be the Conda with 8 weapon hardpoints and a size 8 PD to drive those weapons
Too bad the T10 is still unable to perform the role it was designed for.
4 large modified AX mc turrets and 2 small gauss cannons plus 3 flaks or 3 long range thermal vent beams

perfect as scout killer while also being able to help on hearts with the 2 gausses
So imo a quite good support ship in AX CZ if fitted with a size 7 ULC
Have anyone found these yet? As usual, new item is being relased, along with galnet article, yet in-game is not yet made it. Been at 3 rescue megaships and they aint had it. Neither is available on mbooni or any of azimuth megaship as well.

But some cmdrs should be have those on thier storage, if they did haul and made into top 50%. I wonder if they got it or not, but since there is no single review of this module yet, I guess they aint have it yet.
The CG-reward (Sabiliser Class 3) is available on the megaship Glorious Prospect | LHS 1163
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