GalNet Unofficial: The Golden Knight on Sick Leave

Commander Golden-Knight, a prominent Admiral and high-profile Hero of Federal space, has been grounded after suffering from crippling dizziness and vertigo during the latest Community Goal to deliver rare cuisine for the Galactic Summit. He had made his way into the Top 10% for that event, though he intended to aspire for Top 10 Commanders if it weren't for his sickness ending his efforts. The Admiral himself had this to say:
"I've seen a doctor, and there's no sign of infection. Assuming I follow all the doctor's instructions, I predict I'll be out for a week, or two at the worst. As long as I take it slow, I'll be fine, but that means I can't go pulling combat stunts in my ships for a while. Despite that, I can still attend the Galactic Summit, as I intend to do. My condition is not contagious, nor is it so bad that I am completely bed-bound."

Admiral Golden-Knight has been docked at Ashby Station in the Luyten's Star system, reaffirming his intent to attend the Galactic Summit while also avoiding health-related complications. This station will act as his home base until the Summit has officially concluded. Demonstrations have started appearing all across the surfaces of Earth and Mars to the effect of "Get Well Soon, Admiral."

In related news, there are rumours of pirate and smuggling activity spiking measurably in the Sol system and adjacent star systems. One representative who wished to remain anonymous had this to say:
"Now is our chance to make a name for ourselves, without fear of deadly repercussions. We know this is not going to last, so we have to make the most of this opening."

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Well, as I said before, I can get out of bed, I can walk around, I can read posts and, I can be there. I just need to be careful to not go spinning so hard in space that I start vomiting profusely.

In short, thanks.

For this article, I wanted it to seem like something straight out of the official sources. If only Frontier would slap this into their narrative team, it should be seamless.
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