Game time speed, breeding and others...

I'm loving the game, it is addictive, but a couple of things seem wrong to me,

Time in the game really goes to fast in my opinion, Animals get old and die too quickly. Pregnancies also last the blink of an eye! This really kills the whole concept of attachment to your animals and the principle of any zoo. It looks like a farm of antelopes and peafowls.

Breeding also seems way to easy, or simply happens too fast and frequently because of the time speed. The lack of tools to manage interbreeding looks surprising to me too, since it is a huge part of manage a collection of animals. In the game is impossible to know who is the parent/child of whom. I hope in the future, family trees can be added to the game!! See pregnancies failing is also something that would make even more interesting the whole strategy of breeding exotic animals.

Something that I believe is lacking in the game is another age Stage. It must be baby-juvenile-adult-elderly. The juvenile could be a smaller model of the adult (or maybe just a 3rd model for each species) that can´t reproduce yet but can be traded in the market. This would help a lot to manage sudden unbalanced sex-ratios, interbreed, overpopulations... This would be a big plus to the game!

I see a HUGE lack of mother-baby interactions. There are no eggs or nesting to birds and reptiles and no nursing in mammals or mother cleaning their young or giving them attention or love. babies spend a lot of time away from their mothers. I looks so lifeless. Please add more to the game!

I hope educators and tour guides can be added later in the game!

I love the game and I just hope the devs keep increasing the complexity and deepness of simulation! It is a work in progress and I understand that it is impossible to have everything in a game launch!
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