General gankers blocking ports and boosting

powerplay: cutters,clippers,Anaconda's

problem: these ships are just waiting inside docking/mail slots with prismatic sheilds and the station defence can't destroy them waiting all day for haulers and fighters to come to dock. they are then boosting/ramming out of mail slots to kill the ship docking without any penalties to them. maybe a murder rap or a stupid lower fine. With had 5 clippers/cutters/anaconda using this childish tactics all from the same group. it is now getting stupid that we have to wait for them to appear outside the docking area so our pvper's can take them out. Or die trying to get in has the booster out when they scanned or seen you.

i send a video to your Fd_dev programmer and was told to put it in tickets systems. (what you want me to name a shame)

solution 1). increase the damage from stations to destroy cutters waiting inside docking mail slots. engineered or not
solution 2). remove/reduce the op shields on Cutters/clippers
solution 3). remove any engineering from cutters/clippers so they can't boost into oncoming ships. And reduce op shields on them
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Station lasers are reverb (not sure about the slot lasers though) so if they can sit there, then they might be using shield hacks.

A longer term solution would be to have a megaship for capitals, which do not have a slot to block, and / or once docked a pledge is automatically dropped into the hangar to avoid pad blocking. The former also would even out capital landing pad numbers too.
Station guns will rip any ship apart very quickly. I could understand a Cutter lasting a little while, but a Clipper should be taking significant amounts of hull damage very quickly as the shields won't last (believe me, I know). If they are effectively tanking damage from station guns, something is going on there.

Although this seems like an issue that the design of powerplay itself has caused. If they're a hostile faction, should they be allowed to fly where they want and be accepted into any opposing power's stations? I'd argue not, but someone will probably suggest that consequences and benefits for engaging in optional gameplay is bad for some reason.

Make hostile faction ships hunted until they leave and shot down if they get near a station.
because we are a powerplay group and solo play is against Flc rules.also they claim to be apart of powerplay but all they do is sit in a AFK state inside.
the video i got is me try to destroy a cutter with a 3e beam lazer graded 2 engineered ,and missiles(not graded) to no effected what so ever to his shields.they haven't boosted on me yet. but i can say that going to be soon.they have done that to 4-5 members so far who don't seem to be bothered about it.has they have a lot of cr. me my self i don't have a lot of cr to wasted on idiots who think power play is another version of pvp.and seem paramount on staying in our stations to ram
the video i got is me try to destroy a cutter with a 3e beam lazer graded 2 engineered ,and missiles(not graded) to no effected what so ever to his shields.they haven't boosted on me yet. but i can say that going to be soon.they have done that to 4-5 members so far who don't seem to be bothered about it.has they have a lot of cr. me my self i don't have a lot of cr to wasted on idiots who think power play is another version of pvp.and seem paramount on staying in our stations to ram
your group might need to look at flexing the rules for situations like this. cuss by not switching off to private or solo to land your giving them what they want your getting annoyed by their antics. maybe you guys could add if the station is currently being greefed in this way landing can be done outside of open. but you have to take off back in open once you land.
Although this seems like an issue that the design of powerplay itself has caused. If they're a hostile faction, should they be allowed to fly where they want and be accepted into any opposing power's stations?

They aren't hostile to the station though, just the faction that is trying to get into the station to sway the allegiance of the station.
Although I am not sure how ships can hang around inside a station once the exit timer runs down

The OP problem is yet another player issue similar to griefers shooting up non-pvp players
well i been told the cutter/clipper has a 4000 mj of shields has i don't have one myself and they are using 4 pips to system to keep the ship safe from the station guns and using the npc ships has barrage ballons inside station waiting for the player ships to move out.
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well i been told the cutter/clipper has a 4000 mj of shields has i don't have one myself and they are using 4 pips to system to keep the ship safe from the station guns and using the npc ships has barrage ballons inside station waiting for the player ships to move out.
no ship is safe from the station guns outside using hacked shields. the cutter has alot but it will still pop under station fire. back in the day a group could theroredicly use two ships firing healing beams to counter a stations but I belive fdev fixed that.
well i been told the cutter/clipper has a 4000 mj of shields has i don't have one myself and they are using 4 pips to system to keep the ship safe from the station guns and using the npc ships has barrage ballons inside station waiting for the player ships to move out.
Based on what you're saying, I call shenanigans there. I remember trying to see what happened when my Cutter with a 3500mj biweave shot up something in the station. It lasted 10 seconds- If those station guns go for you, you're gone. Like ATR they have reverb too, so even if your shield can take the damage, the generator will pop quickly enough.

Right now my Cutter has 8000 mj and a station will hurt considerably, and that's with trying to escape, 4 pips to shields or not.

They aren't hostile to the station though, just the faction that is trying to get into the station to sway the allegiance of the station.
I'm assuming this is a control station based on how this is described. If it is there's no reason for anyone from an enemy faction to be there. Something about the whole thing is off though as if you ram a ship at speed and it pops, that's murder and the station should be firing at you. Then you have a bounty that you can't shift for 2 hours and you'll be blown up if you get scanned by a security ship. I'd love to hear how this could be done without cheats as a 4000mj shield on a Cutter is pretty weak.
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well when he move i saw a message a system defence initializes or something similar to that.and alot of people were complaining about him. has he was also AFK! but i try ram also shot missiles and a 3e beam lazer on 4 pips at him without any effects . but never mind i gave up on pp or bgs and the squad.and gone back to indep solo mode while i explore
No ship that doesn't use a shield hack can withstand station defense fire for more than a few seconds.
Station defenses are reverb cascade weapons, they directly attack the shield generator. what you've witnessed are hackers aka cheaters. report them and Fdev might take action.

Ask the vets in the FLC, they will confirm it.
Yeah, nah. If he's literally invincible then he's hacking.

There is a situation where you can get fired on by the station guns and not die, and that's by becoming hostile while you're on the pad. While you're on the pad you're indestructible, so if you cash in a mission that tips you over to hostile, the station guns will start firing on you. At a busy port you could, theoretically use this to get people friendlyfired by the guns by going AFK on the pad.
no ship is safe from the station guns outside using hacked shields.

Yea and that's a bunch of crap too.
A simple fix for that would be, Fdev knowing shots needed to take down
any ship, is to force pop it if it doesn't go down within that time frame.

"Station can't destroy hacked ship problem" solved. Gimme a break.
Yea and that's a bunch of crap too.
A simple fix for that would be, Fdev knowing shots needed to take down
any ship, is to force pop it if it doesn't go down within that time frame.

"Station can't destroy hacked ship problem" solved. Gimme a break.
That'd be fine if FDEV were hosting the instances on their own server, but since it's running on the players' clients, they could theoretically circumvent that too.
What would probably be more reliable is having every other client in the instance report to the server "this ship should have exploded but didn't, investigate" and using these reports to track people that are probably cheating.
Of course, then you'd find hackers trying to find ways to spoof these reports and get people autobanned.
That'd be fine if FDEV were hosting the instances on their own server, but since it's running on the players' clients, they could theoretically circumvent that too.
What would probably be more reliable is having every other client in the instance report to the server "this ship should have exploded but didn't, investigate" and using these reports to track people that are probably cheating.
Whatever it takes.

Of course, then you'd find hackers trying to find ways to spoof these reports and get people autobanned.
Now that would be truly pathetic. Sigh..
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