General Feedback

I've been playing since the release and am absolutely loving the game (i've become hooked just as I did with Zoo Tycoon):

  • Range of animals - I see a lot of my favourites
  • Familiar building tools
  • Focus of welfare - Promoting the welfare of animals over profit <3
  • Zoopedia - It's great to learn about the animals
  • Variety of design tools
  • Easy navigation
  • Detailed views
  • Filtering animals - I know search is being added to Zoopedia which is fantastic however it would be nice to see a filter within habitats for example that only shows the species you have in your zoo, like the view you get when searching for animals when you go to Zoo -> Animals -> Animals Tab. It would make the filtering less clunky as you don't have to scroll so much
  • Paths - I know this is probably a common one but I have created a plaza area within my zoo for shops, benches, toilets and a couple of ATM's where people would stop to check maps and take shade from the sun however it's very difficult to create a paved space like a plaza. Maybe if you could place paths in a few shapes like a square, circle or rectangle that would help to create areas like that
  • Why were penguins not part of the arctic pack?😭 they're a favourite
I'm sure I could come up with more overtime but these are the main pros and cons that come to mind when i'm playing.

Anyway, to close it off, I am loving the game and am really looking forward to the new South America pack. Thanks for reading!
A search option in animal trading would be awesome, especially when we're racing the clock against animals being sold or expiring. Or, if you had an animal panel up, the habitat menu would automatically show items for that species. It would save a lot of stuffing around.

I just want to point out that penguins weren't in the arctic pack because there are no penguins in the arctic region - only the Antarctic region and in some other continents of the southern hemisphere. They could be included down the line! Also, maybe we'll get more arctic animals in future, like arctic foxes, musk ox, walrus, and puffins.
  • Why were penguins not part of the arctic pack?😭 they're a favourite

Because there are no penguins in the Arctic. It's bizarre that this is still a talking point.

Additionally, there is no unified system of underwater swimming/diving in the game, so it wouldn't really do penguins justice to have them just swimming along the surface of the water like the crocodiles do.

On another note, the pathing system is the same as the one in Planet Coaster, and even then it was complained about, so if they haven't changed it for Zoo I don't see it being changed at all. You can align paths to a grid which can create big rectangular plazas, and then there are ways to round out the hard corners to make it smoother, but all in all I believe we're stuck with it.
  • Filtering animals - I know search is being added to Zoopedia which is fantastic however it would be nice to see a filter within habitats for example that only shows the species you have in your zoo, like the view you get when searching for animals when you go to Zoo -> Animals -> Animals Tab. It would make the filtering less clunky as you don't have to scroll so much
  • Paths - I know this is probably a common one but I have created a plaza area within my zoo for shops, benches, toilets and a couple of ATM's where people would stop to check maps and take shade from the sun however it's very difficult to create a paved space like a plaza. Maybe if you could place paths in a few shapes like a square, circle or rectangle that would help to create areas like that
  • Why were penguins not part of the arctic pack?😭 they're a favourite

  • I would love a filtering feature too! Agreed.
  • Yeah the paths are pretty awesome, but can be really finnicky when it comes to making nice even edges... like squarish stuff. (I know you can add to a grid to do square paths mode, but it's still finnicky)
  • My guess is any animals that do anything more than just 'swim on the surface' of water, is saved for a later time? If you notice there aren't any animals that are too aquatic. I bet there's a lot of animation and programming they haven't done there. I hope that's a future planned release. Penguins, Dolphins, Whales etc. all with marine exhibits and assets.
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