Parks Gerlach Adjacent (A Burning Desert Experience)

After sixteen years traveling to the Black Rock Desert, and the past three having taken time off from doing so, I found myself missing the desert experience and wanting to wander it in virtual terms, and with more rollercoasters. So I mapped out a version of the city in the desert, lamplit the streets, and installed everything up to the point of participants. Portapotties, first aid tents, a service station for personnel, and a central 'Center Camp' that's rainbow lit at night have all been built. Crew finished both a man-like structure (with a burn platform based on my first year there back in 1999) and a simple rustic structure to serve as a temple. Fireworks are rigged to go off at 9pm, midnight, and 3am. There's two coffee bars set up at the center camp, but you'll likely need to find volunteers. Otherwise, the city is yours for the creations.




I hope you might like to come play in the desert with me (like, share back what you make! i'd love to walk in your versions.) I had created an Alpha version of the desert city way back as one of my first projects, and about half-populated it with 'stuff' even before we got half through alpha working. Pirate ships and video tents. Mockups of actual burner camps from the past. I'll eventually share if you share (wink). And of course, i know this isn't a "full park" that i'm sharing, but now i'm done with sharing the basic city, i can start playing as well. Perhaps you don't mind me posting here occasionally, or building out and sharing that version too.
You are going to put in Death Guild Thunderdome in I hope! Oh I wonder if I could kind of make Kurt's car with what's in game. huh.
...or just use it to build their own city altogether. It's really a park template i wanted to share and watch what others do with it.
i'm already working on my own version... (and yup lilibat, some form of Deathguild HAS to be in mine as well!)

(and bullethead, in awe of your storylines here too)
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