Getting out of ships and repairing them, space starions too

Getting out of ships and repairing them and also working on space stations.
Your ship gets damaged so one option is to go eva into the dangerous vaccume of space and do a spot of welding or rewireing circuits, freeing bent control surfaces like the heat vents etc.
There are loads of small jobs around the ship both inside and out that players might have to perform to keep their ship on top or even overclocked and working condition. Best to work on it in port but in deep space might be also be necessary.
Taking this a bit further for the cockpit weary or just not enough creds to get a loan of a new ship then how about maintenance tasks around a space station, again inside and out. With a loaned eva suit this could also rack up skills, tasks and be part of missions..
I guess the ultimate of this is to start renting rooms and habitation modules to players so their avatar can get some much needed unintruppted sleep.
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