Does anyone know if globular clusters have been implemented? I suspect not. I thought they might be a good place to efficiently search for ELW because clusters tend to sort heavier systems in and lighter systems out. So I have written a spreadsheet to convert RA & DEC (and distance) to ED galactic rectilinear co-ordinates. It works well enough to get the vicinity, I've checked with nebulae and known stars. I have looked up the astronomical coordinates of clusters in the vicinity (10kly) and beyond but apart from the orion nebula I have found no clusters. This might be because a) I have got it all wrong and am looking in the wrong place b) because FD have got it all wrong and they are in the wrong place (certainly some stars are according my calcs eg gliese 433 is 70 ly from Sol in ED but abut 30 ly in RL) or c) the game doesn't have them.
Does any one know? Are they too far out (min 7500 ly) to be in the 'accurately modelled zone?
Does any one know? Are they too far out (min 7500 ly) to be in the 'accurately modelled zone?