GNOSIS - Anti-PowerPlay

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Galactic Network Of Solitary Independent Specialists
a galactic freedom-fighter brigade

Good evening Commanders

Long time lurker, longer time player. I've been around since release and never really had a reason to join the Meta aspect of the game. Been snooping around the Reddit & Forums since about April keeping up with player group politics and watching the dev updates as they come. With the recent addition to player made minor factions, and the hints toward freedom-fighters, I've decided it's time to come out of hiding and try my hand at this. Please note that this player group is not going to be based on bashing powerplay like so many players already have. While I agree its a bit of a weak system, it does have one advantage... It gives a great reason to role-play against it.

I don't wish to start any quarrels with the devs OR with player groups that endorse powerplay. That is not my intention. I simply want to found a group that will one day give all Powers a reason to check under their bed at night.

I'm invested in this cause for RP reasons. My game time pre 1.3 was spent building up my minor indie faction. I would bring medicine, food, and other necessities all the while role-playing rather than grinding for dat 'conda. I made it to about 30 million credits playing that way until my home was invaded and turned to an empire exploited system. Within days. I gave up all hope. Since then I've been to the far rim, fought as a merc, and made buckets of cash trading. I feel like I'm ready to start playing the BGS again. I've been doing a little bit of research and I think I may have a unique group idea here. Correct me if I'm wrong, though. This forum's search function is... well... lacking to say the least.

Home System:
Mat Zemlya
Allegiance: Independent
Government: Theocracy

Mat Zemlya is a word from the Russian language meaning "Mother Earth" or something like that. Chosen as the home because it is almost exactly between Sol (69.95 ly) & Achenar (71.93 ly) also, its a lame system. No one could possibly want it for anything, ensuring it's immunity to powerplay shenanigans. This will be a great staging area once freedom-fighters are introduced. Expansion in any direction will guarantee action packed weekends, both for Gnosis operatives and those fighting for the Powers.

Independent allegiance was chosen for obvious reasons. Plus it fits in with the acronym, but we'll get into that later.

Theocracy is a gov't type that none of the current powers are strong against. In fact, three of the existing powers are weak to theocratic factions. Plus it fits in with the acronym, which I'll explain next.

Gnosis is a word from the Greek language which means "knowledge" or something like that. I feel like that's exactly what my time away from my old minor faction has given me. Knowledge. Plus, gnosis has a religious connotation which works out perfectly for the theocratic government type as well as the acronym!

I haven't worked out what exactly the belief system of this religion is... but they are sure against powerplay I can tell you that much. This is something I would enjoy working out with other commanders who want to help found the group. The religious aspect could also just be a front for a secret anti-power organisation. Maybe they're pretending to be a religious sect for the tax breaks and underneath their church is a massive hangar bay. The quiet monks in the pews are secretly trained assassins! Who knows!

The ethos is simple. Any player group, whether ye be fed, imperial, ally, or indie in need of military support and covert ops can call on Gnosis for aid against an invading or oppressing Power. In fact, you don't even need to be in Gnosis to help. Gnosis could just be a moonlighting gig for players already apart of a player group who share the belief that the Powers are tyrannical, egotistical, psychopathic murderers that need to be stopped. Basically a superhero cult, if you will. Secret identities and normal lives... until... we fly our DropShips and Clippers side by side into combat against a common evil!


Star / Mining / PowerPlay:

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