General Goodbye Borann - We need the Community Goals back! Please.

In the past few months Borann has become the epicenter of humanity. The biggest gold rush ever seen, an impressive concentration of commanders from all corners of the galaxy. For me the biggest Community Goal that ever existed. Miners, soldiers, pirates. One way or another everybody went there. We were all part of the history of that system where one day someone discovered a triple diamond spot. Borann is proof that the Elite universe is very much alive, he just needs a reason to stay awake. In just one day, more than 30,000 commanders passed through Borann. If this is not a CG, then I don't know what will be. In fact, the last time I saw something like this was on Omega Nébula during the Distant Worlds 2 CG.
The triple Spot in principle will end tomorrow (in fact no one knows) and an era ends. Borann deserve a tourist beacon for his contribution to Elite universe.

In conclusion, I think you should bring the Community Goals back, because now that we don't have them, we see the lack they make.

Thank you Borann!
I support Borann getting a tourist beacon. As for triple hot spots, I don't know if we will see them afterwards. But most likely not Borann. There were other privately found triple hot spots supposedly found. But I had not heard of any others shared. I don't doubt that mining will still be a thing though.

As for CG's. I personally found them to be of low interest. Most of them were still doing the same task event to event. It is very similar to power play which I find equally uninspiring. The power play system has a defend bar, and an attackers bar. If the defenders bar is filled. Nothing changes. No matter how much the attacker does. This creates a lot of stalemates and stagnation. These bars should become variable in my opinion to actually inspire activity. If the attackers keep attacking, the defender bar should keep going up. This would stir the pot and then you would be able to see active change.

(This is my personal opinion, if you enjoy them. Please keep enjoying them, whether they are CG's or power play.)
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