Got him! Retaliation for salome!

We had sworn revenge against them all.

At the very second Salomes transponder stopped sending out its signal over hundereds of light years and she dissapeared from our scanners we knew there was only one explaination, she had been destroyed!
As time passed it became apparent that we had all been betrayed by one of Salomes supposed protectors, protector turned murderer, the rage and hatred for this turncoat rose up in us all, but so few of us were able to do anything against the power of his fleets ships, ships that were equiped with the most powerful weapons, partly upgraded using secret technology, and his pilots were skilled and knew how to handle the power they posessed.
We also have resources though, and the time to use them would come. For months we planned and trained until one day a solution would be found and our revenge would be complete.

Shajn Market | KAMADHENU

KAMADHENU was busy and filled with traffic as it entered its third week of traders trying to fulfil the ambitious goal of the local governments. Criminals and bounty hunters were both out in force and losses were broadly similar. An Alarm sounded as people staggered with dismay, reporting sightings of the most dreaded anarchists in the galaxy between the station and the sun. System security and policing units were well outgunned and were taking themselves to safety. The time had come for our special unit to take action. Inconspicuous and well drilled the criminals didn't even notice as they flew out of the station, each one a specialist in their field.
Our special unit met the aggressors and fierce fights ensued that lasted many hours with no side taking a decisive advantage, then suddenly appearing on the sensors was the primary target we had been waiting all this time for.......Besleger! He was flying a high class top end fully engineered ship capable of withstanding heavy bombardment for long periods, one which normally guarantees an escape in even the most dangerous of situations. Our pilots had done extensive simulations and knew it was almost impossible to destroy this ship during the standard fighting event and the plan was afoot!

The plan involved weakening Beslegers ship to a point that he would retreat from the fight, at last his FSD started charging, our pilots knew this was the critical moment and had to act fast as an intercept in light speed was the next part of the plan. Our pilots stowed their weapons and followed Besleger into super cruise, he had a 10 light second lead, perfect for our highly trained interdictor to initiate the intercept manoeuvre. Besleger fought hard to win the interdiction but our pilot had been well trained and with a large spatial distortion the murderer’s ship was ripped out of its propulsion bubble and into normal space, a few seconds later our entire unit was within weapons firing range. A volley of Plasma and lasers pounded down on Beslegers shields, already weakened wouldn't stand a chance and soon collapsed. Full of panic the attacked one, now knowing what it feels like to be the victim, tried to increase his speed away from us and initiate a hyperspace jump to another system, with the hyper drive setting up its spatial distortion field it looked like Besleger might escape but our smaller faster ships were already battering his hull and targeting the hyper drive, with one precise shot from a rail gun the hyper drive was disabled.....Looking death in the eye Besleger tried to run, but to no avail, he could not outpace our fighters with his big heavy ship and the plasma salvos just kept striking his hull until eventually……… BOOM! ……….Besleger was dead!

With the remains of the criminals ship floating around them our brave pilots let their ships float through space as they contemplated they had achieved their goal and the hardship of preparation had paid off and they had finally done it.....

Salome can now rest in peace...

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Lucky for me my escape pod was working unlike Salomé's kek, kek, kek... also video just came in of your new leader being demolished!



I think the down votes comes because all the people knows you guys use Heat xploit or at least shytia. You are the only ones who use it, and want to be famous easily and quickly killing harry lol. You are a joke.
I think the down votes comes because all the people knows you guys use Heat xploit or at least shytia. You are the only ones who use it, and want to be famous easily and quickly killing harry lol. You are a joke.
That is very fun argument (excuse) here, really :D ... counting reaction(s) above, this thread had hit his target precisely. ;)
Whos Alessia Verdi? Oh yeah... The leader of The Children of Raxxla. You must be getting mixed up.
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I think the down votes comes because all the people knows you guys use Heat xploit or at least shytia. You are the only ones who use it, and want to be famous easily and quickly killing harry lol. You are a joke.

Because of you're reaction, we have accomplished our goal.
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Volunteer Moderator
Please refrain from posting attachments with swearing. This is against the forum rules.

Also, please put the handbags down - let's be nice to each other. It's just a game :)
No one is imortal. Harry promess to log off and smashed his keyboard if he was dying in public..... Hope you enjoy your new keyboard mate :)
Of course, since the character of Besieger was killed in Premonition due to an "accidental" station weapons firing, isn't patting oneself on the back for "retaliating" for Salome's death kind of... pointless?
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