In the Scenario Editor, in the Guests tab,
Guest Happines Rate: Rate at which the guest happiness declines. Range is 0% to 500%, default is 100%.
In this scenario I want to make it harder to make the guests happier and/or easier for them to become unhappy. Which way do I set this?!? [wacky]
Park Attractiveness Multiplyer: Bonus to guest spawn rate based on the park rating. Range is 0% to 500%, default is 100%.
This one seems easier, the lower the percentage the fewer guests I'll get based on the park rating, yes? [yesnod]
Guest Happines Rate: Rate at which the guest happiness declines. Range is 0% to 500%, default is 100%.
In this scenario I want to make it harder to make the guests happier and/or easier for them to become unhappy. Which way do I set this?!? [wacky]
Park Attractiveness Multiplyer: Bonus to guest spawn rate based on the park rating. Range is 0% to 500%, default is 100%.
This one seems easier, the lower the percentage the fewer guests I'll get based on the park rating, yes? [yesnod]
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