Guest Viewing Suggestion

If there was an option to "paint" on path or areas where it is best to view animals in habitats it could reduce the guest thoughts of "View is not good." I don't like how guests will stand in random areas and look through walls or rocks especially where a null barrier is to view animals. I hope this makes sense. Does anyone have this same issue?
I have this issue as well! I constantly have guests standing in the weirdest places only to complain about the view. It's just like "well duh you idiot, there's the viewing area and for some reason you're choosing to stop randomly 10 feet back from the glass fence. Of course the view isn't good!" Honestly, I've had less issues with this more recently so I guess it's been patched a bit, but it's still not perfect and it still happens frequently enough to be irritating.

Ideally I'd like the guests to just have better AI, but if painting paths is the best solution I'll accept that as well!
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