

Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous


Rats. I was ON Garrett Orbital last night, but decided to head back to base to be ready for whatever today brought.

If I'd stayed put I could have enjoyed the, er, fun.

Or more likely found myself in my ship floating outside the station, like after the Bright Sentinel kerfuffle last year.
Would be dope, if you could land on Garrett Orbital. I found a side entrance, but you cant fly through with a ship, cause its too big.
FWIW, I had a ton of fun last night just sitting in this system and watching chat. Lots of CMDRs there working together, coordinating to check out clues, follow possible leads, proposing ideas, reading lore, etc. It was more of a "Community Goal" than many recent purpose CG have been.

As usual, gankers were out trying to ruining it for others but even that couldn't damp the enthusiasm. Well done everybody!
As usual, gankers were out trying to ruining it for others but even that couldn't damp the enthusiasm. Well done everybody!
Played briefly, was in open, lots of Corvettes and I was in my little old Python, was waiting to get jumped but it never happened, quite pleasant for a change!
Played briefly, was in open, lots of Corvettes and I was in my little old Python, was waiting to get jumped but it never happened, quite pleasant for a change!
You described my experience in any place of "events", new abandoned settlements, beacons, posts or other mysterious stuff, in any place related to thargoids, guardians, and majority of CGs.
Looking at fact, that I play only in open, since 2018, this so called "gankers" are extremally overrated threat.
You described my experience in any place of "events", new abandoned settlements, beacons, posts or other mysterious stuff, in any place related to thargoids, guardians, and majority of CGs.
Looking at fact, that I play only in open, since 2018, this so called "gankers" are extremally overrated threat.
Tbf, I didn't see anyone in open last night either. Until I'd finished off some PvE stuff and two FDLs interdicted my wing mate in a badly damaged Krait. Effectively instagibbed him before I could get to his beacon. No game play or role play there, they seemingly ignored my conda and Elite rank and went for the damaged Expert Krait. Go figure.
I havent this issues with "gankers" even in paper ships (you don't think, that I visited sites with just new logs, or settlement in combat vette, don't you?). Go figure.
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