Elite / Frontier had many assasination targets not show up ?

I started a new frontier game since I rencetly found glfrontier, and on taking up the first couple of assasination mission I find that tha target fails to show up.

do not remember this happening before lal those years ago ??

is it common ?
I can't say for Frontier, but I've had this problem a few times in FFE. The only way I've found to avoid it is to save before hyperspacing into the system the target is in and then carrying on as normal. If the target doesn't appear then reload and repeat. Eventually the target will be there! :D
i always role played it down to me being too obvious and the target got suspicious. As Glyndo says a save game is a must(goes for almost every part of the game).
I always remember doing a photograph mission where the target plannet had stupid gravity and i never found a ship that could avoid being sucked to the ground. (Danger Will Robinson, Remember to save often)
I've done a few assassination missions in GLFrontier recently, and the target was always there, as expected. I do remember in the past though, back when I first played Frontier, that I failed to complete some such missions because the target never materialised. Didn't happen that often though.
Also, I've heard it's possible to fail such mission if you appear to early (>1 week before the specified date) - the target will be warned then.
Bum! I've currently got two such missions, one being a month and a half in the future, one several weeks. I've already scoped out the systems, so they'll probably never appear. :mad: :rolleyes:
You need to arrive in the system less than one week before the date of your hit, that's what I've heard.
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