Ships Hard Point Layout Diagrams

Arithon has actually update from the ship blueprints to a codex which has a far better layout and information

Ok. Somewhat better. More detailed and more information in a better format and interface. Still no field of fire views.

These become critical when using turrets. Besides trying to keep whatever Fixed or Gimbaled weapons pointed at the target,, you have to be aware of ship orientation so the turrets also have a clear shot at the target.

A prime example is the AspX.
The two mediums can fire from about 25 deg below Fwd/Hoz all the way back to about 30 deg above aft/hoz. At least one of them can cover everything in those arcs to each side in the same ranges.
The two smalls on the inside mounts are very restricted Maybe 5 deg above fwd/hoz to possibly not even straight back hoz. Likely 5 deg down/hoz. But,, anything directly below 40 deg port and starbord the ship should be fair game for them. I put a gimbaled in one of these so I always have a weapon I can completely control simply to make an NPC hostile so the turrets will kick in.
Then at least one of the two bottom outer smalls can cover form about 15 deg above horz all the way around the ship. Particularly fwd of both beams.

Now, from this it becomes clear that the optimum ship orientation to keep the most turreted weapons on the target is someplace in the fwd about 40 deg (20 each side from c/l) and between 5 deg above horz down to 25 deg below horz.

Now back to why I put that gimbaled in the place I did. As long as the gimbaled can get on target, every turret should be able to get on target. So I use the gimbaled targeting reticue only as a guide to get the turrets a clear field of fire.

Since I am planning on building a couple mining ships, I am researching hard point placement looking for a ship that I can put turrets on and get all of them on target without having to do a lot of maneuvering in the mining field. Mostly pitching and rolling and yawing while I stay snuggled up to a big rock so the NPC cannot get into a place where no weapon can get a clear shot.
Ok. Somewhat better. More detailed and more information in a better format and interface. Still no field of fire views.

These become critical when using turrets. Besides trying to keep whatever Fixed or Gimbaled weapons pointed at the target,, you have to be aware of ship orientation so the turrets also have a clear shot at the target.

A prime example is the AspX.
The two mediums can fire from about 25 deg below Fwd/Hoz all the way back to about 30 deg above aft/hoz. At least one of them can cover everything in those arcs to each side in the same ranges.
The two smalls on the inside mounts are very restricted Maybe 5 deg above fwd/hoz to possibly not even straight back hoz. Likely 5 deg down/hoz. But,, anything directly below 40 deg port and starbord the ship should be fair game for them. I put a gimbaled in one of these so I always have a weapon I can completely control simply to make an NPC hostile so the turrets will kick in.
Then at least one of the two bottom outer smalls can cover form about 15 deg above horz all the way around the ship. Particularly fwd of both beams.

Now, from this it becomes clear that the optimum ship orientation to keep the most turreted weapons on the target is someplace in the fwd about 40 deg (20 each side from c/l) and between 5 deg above horz down to 25 deg below horz.

Now back to why I put that gimbaled in the place I did. As long as the gimbaled can get on target, every turret should be able to get on target. So I use the gimbaled targeting reticue only as a guide to get the turrets a clear field of fire.

Since I am planning on building a couple mining ships, I am researching hard point placement looking for a ship that I can put turrets on and get all of them on target without having to do a lot of maneuvering in the mining field. Mostly pitching and rolling and yawing while I stay snuggled up to a big rock so the NPC cannot get into a place where no weapon can get a clear shot.
Type-10 has hardpoints covering top and bottom (2* c3 each) and one of the few ships where I could understand using a main turret armament (had a miner in this fitting myself). But an Asp with turrets? Nah...
Type-10 has hardpoints covering top and bottom (2* c3 each) and one of the few ships where I could understand using a main turret armament (had a miner in this fitting myself). But an Asp with turrets? Nah...
you under estimate the power of the turreted asp... hahah it allowed me to focus on staying out of the line of fire while never losing shots, works on NPCs but never PVPd in that ship.

also yeah the T10 allows for some solid coverage with its 4 large hps.
Erm... you have links to download the HD and 4k versions of those blueprints
Yes there are. Maybe great things for people that live in an unlimited high speed data utopia. I don't live there.

So. What I have to do is CTRL-+ multiple times to make the now small blueprint big enough to see.
Then CTRL- - to shrink the whole screen back down to normal so I can select the next ship to look at and then blow the screen back up big enough to see that blueprint.

Just because something can be done, doesn't mean it should be done or that it is good for all the users.

KISS should be the motto.

A cashless society sounds like a wonderful thing. Makes armed robbery impossible. Eliminates the need for cashiers. Stops employee errors. Then you find out that just because YOU have multiple electronic payment methods there is a significant portion of the population that has NO means of cashless payment.

Requiring unlimited high speed data to be able to do something is like demanding that everyone have some form of electronic payment method.
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