Having trouble with the radar Sir

Ok, so I just logged on, SRV sitting on the planet, but I'm still browsing the forum.

Radar starts it's routine, and as always when you just log on, finds nothing. Then I hear beeps ... then after a while creeps and sweeps. While I haven't moved an inch.

It appears to be ....


Does it always take some time to 'warm up'?
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Ok, so I just logged on, SRV sitting on the planet, but I'm still browsing the forum.

Radar starts it's routine, and as always when you just log on, finds nothing. Then I hear beeps ... then after a while creeps and sweeps. While I haven't moved an inch.

It appears to be ....


Does it always take some time to 'warm up'?

I'll try to beat Cmdr Vorheez to it.... It's them Thargoids :)

Doh!!!! Nice one Ziggy....
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Ok, so I just logged on, SRV sitting on the planet, but I'm still browsing the forum.

Radar starts it's routine, and as always when you just log on, finds nothing. Then I hear beeps ... then after a while creeps and sweeps. While I haven't moved an inch.

It appears to be ....


Does it always take some time to 'warm up'?

I love it.
God I love Michael Winslow!

To answer your question... Yes, I have seen the same thing.
I have a theory that the RNG seeds that determines the "spawning" of materials and POI's is affected by server traffic, and thus when the traffic is high, it takes some time to "populate" your vicinity. So after a short while you will "suddenly" have readings on your radar.

Again... that's my theory.
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