HE 1523-0901 ...where is it?

I can't find it under any of those names - and 2MASS is the only one of those catalogues that I've noticed in game. Maybe the error bars on the distance to it were too big so it got left out.

Still, it's only 13.2Gy old - a mere whippersnapper:
older than the universe.png

(the ages of systems like that have since been fixed, it's "only" 12,946My now...)
Only a relatively small number of objects outside of the human bubble are not procedurally generated. Would be nice if they had a Dev at Frontier who's only job was to constantly update the Galmap with new astronomical discoveries and corrections. I think most players would be OK about the loss of system discovery credit (from any deleted or replaced systems) if it meant that they could find and visit more real and more realistic objects.
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