Height Requirements are in Feet

Ever since the update or the new DLC (I got both on same day), the height requirements for the barriers are listed in feet yet the barriers show meters.
There's new unit options in the settings menu. You can change it to meteres or feet (or farenheit and celcius for temperature)
There's new unit options in the settings menu. You can change it to meteres or feet (or farenheit and celcius for temperature)
Sorry, but I do know that you can change it. However, the issue is if I haven't changed it to feet, that it is now listing the requirements in feet? It's not consistent with the requirements listed and then when I go to change the barrier height in game, it's showing meters.
I had left my units set to meters because that was the default and the zoopedia listed everything in meters. It was just easier even though I know feet better. Since the update the zoopedia pages that I looked at was listed in feet but it doesn't seem consistent. Some things are in metric, some are not. I haven't looked through all of it and I probably won't. I won't remember what is and isn't away.
Everything should be in metric if it's set that way in the settings. In my game I have it set to meters, and nothing in the game shows up in feet unless I set it to do so (even the zoopedia entries). You might want to submit a bug report on that
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