Horizons Help with hroizons

I bought Elite dangerous on steam and i just now bought elite horizons on the frontier website do i have to download that version of elite from frontier or how do i know elite is on my account? an y help would be appreciated
I believe you download from Frontier. Steam users can advise if you can contact Frontier for a Steam key, but for now get Horizons from the Frontier store.
In order to run Horizons on your steam version of elite dangerous you'll need to navigate to the folder where Elite Dangerous is installed.
In your library right click on Elite Dangerous and click properties.
Click Local Files Tab.
Click Browse local files
Double click EDLaunch.exe

The ED launcher should open but instead of orange and black the color scheme will be blue and black. IF you have horizons on your account it should pop up in the list of elite dangerous titles. You shouldn't have to download anything just select Elite Dangerous 64-bit horizons and click play.
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