High grade emissions are broken

Hi, when searching for high grade emissions I am not finding any in systems that are of interest, I feel you have nerfed them to the point that they are really broken, can you look in to improving this please, pharmaceutical isolators are impossible to get because of this, please fix it soon as I am getting fed up with it
not to hijack a thread which im not<<<< Have you not seen the entire game, its broken to hell and back. Nothing works bgs is garbage constant crashes and yes i'm on a 7,000 dollar custom pc so its not my stuff. The game is broken and nothing is being done about it, almost seems as though they don't care and have abandoned elite. Please don't get your hopes up cause i think the game is headed down the drain.
I know, it seems like the only thing they are interested in is making players lives harder in game, always nerfing everything to the point where it means you will take forever to do, all the major bugs and annoyances never seem to get touched because of this, I wonder if obsidian ant was right and they will end up making a second elite as they can’t fix this one?
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