I keep seeing "It has to be realistic" appearing all over the place .. From how the space station docking will work to the old chestnut 'full Newtonian flight model' and "realistic" graphics ... I say, can't we just have a great space game and forget realism for a while .. I have no need to know the ins and outs of why space station docking is the way it is, as long as it works ... I don't care that fires and explosions happen in space, I want to hear the sounds of ships flying past me ..... as long as the game is fun to play, why care about realism?
I certainly don't play any other game and think .. that's unrealistic .. not playing anymore .. nor have I ever looked at any game development and thought .. "Well that couldn't happen!" and given up the idea of playing the game .. to me that is what games are for ... fun .. take it as seriously as you want but at the end of the day it is always going to be a game.
the only thing that will stop me playing a game is if it is 'excrement' and it doesn't look like a fun game to play ... Elite Dangerous looks like it will be fun to play ... no need to nit-pick slight flaws in physics or 'realism' .. just enjoy the game, lose yourself for a while .. and have fun.
"Honey, you live on a spaceship."
anyone agree?
I certainly don't play any other game and think .. that's unrealistic .. not playing anymore .. nor have I ever looked at any game development and thought .. "Well that couldn't happen!" and given up the idea of playing the game .. to me that is what games are for ... fun .. take it as seriously as you want but at the end of the day it is always going to be a game.
the only thing that will stop me playing a game is if it is 'excrement' and it doesn't look like a fun game to play ... Elite Dangerous looks like it will be fun to play ... no need to nit-pick slight flaws in physics or 'realism' .. just enjoy the game, lose yourself for a while .. and have fun.
"Honey, you live on a spaceship."
anyone agree?