how do you use multiple heatsinks

I have recently installed 4 heatsinks on my asp and they don't seem to work - i have checked key buttons and everything.

How do other commanders use multiple heatsinks and how do they set them up?
yes that's what I have done - switched 3 off and am now going to head back to the neutron field.

Where my mistake was testing the system without keybinding and wondering why the heat sink would not work - It also turns out it doesn't work at all in SC or in Witchspace - something I have just learned.

lol what a noob....
Oh yeah! We've all been there. I have mine bound to the space key. And I hate it when I waste a bank while sitting over an Earthlike, snapping pictures, and inadvertently hit the space bar. Luckily, I have two more banks (turned off, thankfully!)

And 18k into this latest journey and I face-plant three black holes today. Two were from distraction and one.... well, the dang scroll wheel on my mouse seemed to go on strike. I hate when you're not able to stop (gracefully). Result? Spinning ship and 10 hull percent knocked off.

Fly safe, CMDR!
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