Newcomer / Intro How to apply for squadron faction?

How to apply for squadron faction ?I am the captain of the Chinese Skyline Squadron. I want to apply for a faction for our squadron.
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... I think the OP wants to ask F D to give his squadron an in-game player faction. I have no idea where those requests have gone in this forum.
Ah, right, sorry. I kind of didn't read it properly.
Yes, they stopped "giving out" factions for now, I believe.

Nothing really stops you from naming your squadron after an existing faction and "adopt" it that way.
Hi Cmdr, carefully read and follow the instructions here...
Register your player group first, then apply for a faction. If you get it all correct you should see your faction in-game within a week or so. Note that your system description won't appear until after the next game client update. Good luck.

A few tips:
Choose your home system carefully. You don't want to get wiped out straight away by an aggressive player faction next door.
If you're in a Powerplay area, check that your government type doesn't conflict with the power's needs. It won't end well
When you write your system description, be creative, it's in the game forever. Make it memorable. There's probably way too many that read "<faction name> are a group of mercenaries feared throughout the galaxy who enjoy Bounty hunting, exploring, mining, trading and welcome new players".

Yes, they stopped "giving out" factions for now, I believe.

They're adding them faster than ever :)
There's usually 5-6 more every week.
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Hi Cmdr, carefully read and follow the instructions here...
Register your player group first, then apply for a faction. If you get it all correct you should see your faction in-game within a week or so. Note that your system description won't appear until after the next game client update. Good luck.

A few tips:
Choose your home system carefully. You don't want to get wiped out straight away by an aggressive player faction next door.
If you're in a Powerplay area, check that your government type doesn't conflict with the power's needs. It won't end well
When you write your system description, be creative, it's in the game forever. Make it memorable. There's probably way too many that read "<faction name> are a group of mercenaries feared throughout the galaxy who enjoy Bounty hunting, exploring, mining, trading and welcome new players".

They're adding them faster than ever :)
There's usually 5-6 more every week.

Hello. I've recently disbanded the squadron and it was registered with Frontier. Is there a process I need to do to remove the squadron registration?
Hello. I've recently disbanded the squadron and it was registered with Frontier. Is there a process I need to do to remove the squadron registration?
I don't think you can do either. The faction remains, you could do nothing with it anyway. The squadron may be gone but AFAIK, the id cannot be used again.
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