How to fill empty fountain bases with water?


did anyone figure out how to fill those many fountain bases (scenery objects) with water? I tried the water tool, searched for water objects to put in, put water dripping pieces on top and looked for matching special effects. Nothing of those filled the empty bases.
Or are they not at all made to be filled with water, just for being filled with decorations like plants?

I am happy about all your hints and tricks!

did anyone figure out how to fill those many fountain bases (scenery objects) with water? I tried the water tool, searched for water objects to put in, put water dripping pieces on top and looked for matching special effects. Nothing of those filled the empty bases.
Or are they not at all made to be filled with water, just for being filled with decorations like plants?

I am happy about all your hints and tricks!

I don't think it's possible... yet. But... can you lower it in a pit filled with water until the Water clips through? I will test that at home after work :D
Thank you for your suggestion Crowdplease. I tried it unfortunately without success. The rim is not wide enough to hide the raised terrain plus the center is no deep enough to take the watertool water.

I had success filled terrain holes with the water tool easily, but now having a closer look at this tool there are a lot of grayed out features. Looks like there is coming more to this tool and maybe filling the fountain bases will be possible then.
I had success filled terrain holes with the water tool easily, but now having a closer look at this tool there are a lot of grayed out features. Looks like there is coming more to this tool and maybe filling the fountain bases will be possible then.

I believe those grayed-out items are for the other tools currently in the palette, not future water-use tools. Note that scenery lock and surface lock check-boxes become active when the Sculpting button is active.

There may, indeed, be future tools that allow water to fill non-terrain spaces, but I don't see anything on the current palettes to suggest how that would work.

I hope that in a couple of builds, tools will exist to make this type of water-filled scenery item not only possible, but easy.

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