How to find a Raw Material Trader


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Hi - how do I locate a Trader on Raw materials?

I've done a search on EDDB for extraction and refinery economies nearby, but whichever one I visit, it turns out to be a manufactured goods material trader and not raws?
I don't know if the link below will stay 'live' for any length of time, but I always use INARA and look under:
  2. Systems & Stations.
  3. Nearest. (Tick the material traders tick box)
You can enter/input the system you are currently in to narrow the search to traders local to you (So listing, in order, the Traders nearest to furthest away from you). Raw, Manufactured and Encoded Traders are all listed on the same page with their individual navigation info displayed for you: (You can even use the scissor function to cut'n'paste the location for pasting into the ED Galaxy Map go-to destination box)

See link for Material Traders (Near Sol in this case):

N.B. The beauty of this 'tool' is that you don't need to have previously visited the Trader's star system for it to show up, as it is with the in-game galaxy map filter!
Inara traders info..JPG

You can see from the central 'tick-box' section just how powerful this 'NEAREST' tool really is; in the excellent choice of location types to find near wherever you may be in the galaxy!
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Inara does this if you are looking to trade in raw, encoded and manufactured materials. If yes you can thank me later.
If not EDDB gives you the best opportunities to find raw materials but EDDB only goes say 40 LY. Use the galaxy map
to find better opportunities then plug their coordinates into EDDB.

For new players El Tio 3 E A in the bubble is a good start having many raw materials you will need. Bring an SRV or
two and collect everything. Again you will thank me later. :)
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I'm with hems on this - I always use the "nearest" function on inara to find mat traders, and Interstellar Factors too. You can use the galaxy map but it's limited like hooplah says, to 40ly and those you have visited. Which is kinda crappy really.
This is why my 'home' base is in the middle of bookmarked mat traders, tech brokers etc.
Just collect G5s and trade down for whatever you need. G5s are plentiful if you run missions, they are often given as rewards. I've mined raw mats plenty and NEVER trade selenium..
Hi - how do I locate a Trader on Raw materials?

I've done a search on EDDB for extraction and refinery economies nearby, but whichever one I visit, it turns out to be a manufactured goods material trader and not raws?

You need to make sure that the system economy (where a trader exists) is refinery first, so refinery and industrial should have a raw trader, but industrial and refinery will have a manufactured trader.

No idea where you are, but 61 Cygni has a raw material trader. :)
This is why my 'home' base is in the middle of bookmarked mat traders, tech brokers etc.
Jameson's Memorial is in the middle of everything,three Mat Traders (all the types) one or two jumps away,Tech broker is "inhouse",and the best brothels in the Galaxy.
Needs Elite though.
Also, all the nice people are at Diaguandri. :LOL:
Well yes I always forget that many people are not Elite yet,but aren't really that many? Anyway there's a party on the fifth moon tonight,beer at go-go and Bar B Q,ZZ Top will play their act Live,all things you can't have in Diaguandri :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Go to star map, use services filter and select raw material trader. They will be highlighted.
Simples o7
BUT.. only showing IF you have previously visited each system ...personally. If 'no-go' then for Material Traders it's 'no-show' I'm afraid. (The insane logic of FDev design... in 3306 there is no galactic-google.... to show a Material Traders system on the map... you have to actually visit that system FIRST!!!) :unsure:
Raw mats.
Mining rewards low level to mid lvl raw mats.
Selenium arsenic tin and boron are raw mats you NEVER trade. Because their hard to get.
The rest you trade with a broker.
And yes once you've discovered them on your travels you can use the galmap search parameters to single them out. But as previously mentioned only ones you've already found...dumb really but that's how it is.
Most players will have the various vendors close by their home system so they can deal with all 3 types locally.
May I suggest a bubble excursion. A pointless trip here n there mapping and gathering hse signals as you go. All the while landing at space stations that list material vendors and tech brokers interstellar factors etc. So when you enter a newly undiscovered (to you its undiscoverd) system and map it u then goto the systems map and check out the assets in it to see if any have the various vendors. Once you've mapped it your Galmap will remember it. And in future when you search using ingame galmap it'll show as a blue or purple blob etc.
Use a quick small cheap ship... a dbx is perfect

BUT.. only showing IF you have previously visited each system ...personally. If 'no-go' then for Material Traders it's 'no-show' I'm afraid. (The insane logic of FDev design... in 3306 there is no galactic-google.... to show a Material Traders system on the map... you have to actually visit that system FIRST!!!) :unsure:

Ah yes that is true, didn't realise that.
Use to have a Volvo sat nav was just the same, could only take you places you have already been to. 🤦‍♂️
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