How to make credits in late 2020?

so i alread have type 9 for cargo missions and a python for mining. Currently im outfitting an Anti-Xeno ship, wich means i need lots of money. What are the best methods currently used to make credits?

Thanks for the help.
I found a outpost in the Colonia region, once allied, they were handing out 5m,7m,8m,10m )and even one 11m) contracts to haul 120 or 180 ton of cargo. I was getting these all day for many days. One day I just stacked them, ran it and collected, fighting off interdictions, another day I took on all pirates and was now adding another 1m in bounties, plus an average half a million in mission bonus. They were all one jump missions. I was printing money I tell you.
I heard mining can be lucrative.
Stacking pirate massacres is an earner. Assuming you've allied with all factions within an empire Pp system. 72 pirates for 200 mill. Once a week is all that's needed. Missions handpicked of might have to wait for one or two factions to cough up a mission and make sure all of them are same pirate outfit.
Painite laser mining.
This ☝ , or if you can't spare a lot of time in one go, but can afford to play in series of 10 minutes, then taking tourists from Robigo/Robigo mines to Sothis 5/Sirius Atmospherics beacon.
When you're allied with all factions, you can pull 20 mil per trip = 80 per hour (I make less because I often opt for grade 5 mats instead of cash).

Here's a link to cheap Python for the job (engineered only FSD + there's one guardian FSD because you should have at least 30ly jumo range, setup collected from YouTube creators. Edit: you don't need heatsink launchers if you have shields).

Painite laser mining.
I think this is the best kind of mining within the bubble. Make sure you find a painite hotspot in a metallic ring though. If you find one in a metal-rich ring you'll only find the painite in cores, just something to be aware of. Void Opals go for a higher price but from what I understand they are only found in cores, so will probably be mostly depleted within the bubble.
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