Hudson Unite!

Greetings great followers of the rightfull President, Zachary Hudson!

As some of you might know, we are under great stress on all borders. Especially LHS 142. At the moment some pesky Imperial Pirates are active there, and we could use your help to get rid of them from our fruitfull control system. If you have TS3 that would be a +1, but all the help we can get would be nice.

Add me if you want to join our wing!

For Hudson!
Once again, greetings CMDRS!

The turnup last time was great! Once again im asking for your help in LHS 142. A wing of 4 is screwing with our dear citizens. We could also use help in an expedition to empire space, where we will return their kind actions.

Hope to see you in 142!

Hudson? That right-wing warmonger is a corporatist tool. Felicia Winters represents everything the Federation should be -- a forward-thinking, pragmatic, and progressive-minded leader that looks seasoned and competent.
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