i got confused about "wanted" ships...help explain...

o7 veteran cmdrs,

i am with Aisling Duval, and one day i was trying to make some credits.

So i targetd anything with a red "wanted" and i would

kill warrant scan and destroy them.

So I get this alert in the chat dialog.

you bla bla bla killed a xyz ship... a number ABC merits will be removed from your Aisling Duval powerplay..

what are the rules ? what was done wrong?

how do we play powerplay? what affect did my destroying a "wanted" Aisling Duval ship do to my relations?

tyvm for tips
Sounds to me like you killed an imperial powerplay ship. Regardless of whether they're wanted or not, killing imperial powerplay ships is bad if you're pledged to an imperial power.
What Scree said above is correct... "wanted" ships doesn't make a difference for powerplayer as only the pledge does.

Wanted (but enemy) powerplay ships are OK to shoot at, but you will not earn merits in killing them unless you're supporting a military-like expansion for your power where enemy/wanted kills count. Such situation offers the advantage of earning merits and money at the same time.

In order to earn merits for shooting ships, you must destroy CLEAN pledged ships in enemy controlling systems.
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