I just got blown up by my own carrier, while defending myself from the police that are meant to defend my carrier.

You wouldn't like my Sauce, It's Salty, you would most probably be a receptacle.

Clearly I am at a loss to explain your fine and obviously honed over many years palette.

I will of course defer to your expert knowledge in being a receptacle for warm salty sauce.

You are after all the expert in these matters, what what.

Tatty bye and do try to not be so angry old bean, what what
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Not really... just applied really stupid logic of some people on real live example.... and now it’s looks not reasonable it seems.... got the point?
Sure, they way to communicate that would be "It would be like", not "I hope". No matter how wrong you think someone is about a video game, you shouldn't hope (which is what you said) that they get run over.

I'm all for carriers behaving a little differently, but come on, if this was just an example you communicated it terribly.
Ha! Wish I'd seen this thread. I assumed MY carrier wouldn't attack ME. Felt silly at the time when the rebuy came up, but the more I think on it the more I believe it's a terrible mechanic.

I was killed night before last by my own Fleet Carrier while fighting in the vicinity, clearly I must have hit the carrier by accident. Lost a lot. A massive amount of exploration tags. Not going to go in to detail but let's just say I can barely face this forum let alone fire up the game again. FDEV have already helped me out twice in my Elite Dangerous time so I'm out of luck on tickets - they did suggest I raise one so I did.

Honestly...MY carrier. Killing ME?

No. Just no.

o7 CMDRS, fly safe and be kind.
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