Powerplay I seem to be missing something with undermining?

ok so i decided to go do some undermining.. flew to a hostile area. started killing space police and any one who told me i was in the wrong place at the wrong time..
got my self a wanted status and bounties in that area. But managed to make like 30pp points. (not sure what gave me the points)

So i went and cashed those in..

headed back off to a hostile area again. popped in to a high intensity combat zone.
but every one was green on the screen.. So i had no idea who to shoot.

So off i went to the nearest check point. Waited for one of them to scan me and boosted away.
he became hostile and followed me to his death.
Again i was given a bounty and became wanted. But i didn't earn any power play points that i could cash in for my undermining efforts..

What am i doing wrong??
these were federation navy things that were hostile to me due to me being allied with li young rui (whatever his name is, the guy from lembava)

Im not sure what gained me the points the 1st time round. and im not sure why i keep getting fined for murder if all im doing is fighting for my cause.

Suffice to say i have racked up quite the bounty so far, and am going to end up being a target for any one with a KWS, So id like to know what im supposed to be doing.
because killing the space cops in a hostile area does not seem to be what im actually supposed to do.
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Go to a control system, interdict and destroy any PP related ships you find that aren't of the power you are in.

NPCs like Federal Agent, Aisling's Angels, Justice Shields, Kumo Crew, etc. All of those will count properly. Not security vessels.

Then get back to a control system of Yong-Rui and them the merits in.
ahh so i been murdering security vessels and getting bounty's put on me for no good reason then.

i will try and figure out who i need to kill..
Do they come up as hostile or something on my scanner though because every one seems to say clean "which i guess they technically are. im the one invading their space"
They will have their affiliation set to the powers. It's the 3d line of information you get when targeting someone, with the 1st being their name.

In your case, anything that is with any power other than Li-Yong Rui affiliated is a target. Anything affiliated with a local minor faction isn't.
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