Ideas to improve and streamline...

Streamline what I hear you say? Well, the Bulletin Board for example. Let's say we're off to Barnard's Star to sell some Animal Meat, as you do. Instead of trawling the Bulletin board for packages/people who want to go there, wouldn't it be good if we could put up our own advert?

'Small starship on trading run to Barnard's Star - any packages and/or passengers welcome.'

That way, instead of trawling the Bulletin boards, such people come to us!

Streamlining would be especially good for Military assignments. We all know the feeling of having to trawl a long list to see if there are any more assignments that need to go to Ross 154. So instead of that, let's be able to ask them to notify us of extra things that need doing - so we can 'filter' the ones we know we can do on time!

And another thing, while we're on the Military's case: Are you telling me that the Federation can't provide me with a permit to Ross 128, yet some random on the Bulletin Board can??? Sir.

I've been getting back into the Elite swing of things tonight with Frontier First Encounters, the one with the jazzed up graphics (looks lovely by the way) and I'm seeing all the ways the Bulletin Board can be streamlined so we spend less time trawling the lists and more time going on missions.

Now, the Stockmarket. Surely in this day and age (3200), we would be able to buy some sort of computer that can compare for us side by side two systems and their relative exports/imports? It's a gigantic pain in the afterburner to have to go to the starmap, remember one system's major export and find someone else who has that as a major import. We could simply enter a Stockmarket item into the computer, who could reply with:

'Fruit And Veg is Currently in High demand at....London, Planet Earth...Sol', so off we go to Sol and good ol' London Town. What do you think guys - less trawling and more flying, or do you like things the way they are now?

Let the discussions begin! :D
That way, instead of trawling the Bulletin boards, such people come to us!

A toggle switch on the board to limit searches to your current actively selected destination would do the trick. Simple. :)

It's a gigantic pain in the afterburner to have to go to the starmap, remember one system's major export and find someone else who has that as a major import.

Agreed - that's mainly a GUI interface revamp though. On some of the games I play when you enter the Auction House and hover your mouse over an item a popup appears showing you the relative changes to your gear should you buy that item ... Something similar. Hover over an item in the Buy / Sell menu and it actively compares against your pre-selected destination (not the actual differences in prices but gives you information as you suggested)
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Just need filter by type / destination to find what you want on the bulletin board. It would be more long winded to have to create your own ad just for NPCs :)

However, being able to use some credits to generate more action on the board may work? Say if there are 5 packages to Sol, I could pay 1000cr for a chance to add another couple at random, which may or may not suit what I want - and which other players could take after 5 minutes (or when I undock).

Different payments have different chances to attract new jobs?
A toggle switch on the board to limit searches to your current actively selected destination would do the trick. Simple. :)

Agreed. I wouldn't want to have to place my own ads. I'd like to imagine humanity is spread so far, that there are plenty of opportunities on the BB already :)

I like the stock market ideas though and yes, getting a permit from a random person instead of the military was odd for me too :)
I could see pirates taking advantage of that. I'm heading to xxxxx and if anyone wants to come let me know. Pirate sees it and answers. Shows up to destroy transport and snatch cargo.

Ont he other side i do like that idea, it could make it easier to network and connect with other like minded people. Like hey I'm going to xxxx and anyone want to come with me and travel as a convoy? Safety in numbers you know.
I could see pirates taking advantage of that. I'm heading to xxxxx and if anyone wants to come let me know. Pirate sees it and answers. Shows up to destroy transport and snatch cargo.

Question - in that scenario, is that griefing, or just well played by the pirate?

I'd say the latter I think. If you are going to travel with someone for the first time it should be on equal terms so you can fight back if attacked. If you are willing to fly a transport and have them in a fighter and you don't know them... you are kind of bringing it on yourself....
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