Improve Guest Tolerance For Bigger Coasters! I’m using PS5, I’ve built it almost halfway, 4 coaster, about 8 flats, and they’re not riding coasters.

Improve Guest Tolerance For Bigger Coasters! I’m using PS5, I’ve built it almost halfway, 4 coaster, about 8 flats, and they’re not riding coasters. 2 are around 100-150 ft, the others around 200ft, ALL GREEN STATS. Clicked coaster advertising to see if that would help, but it didn’t. Take the ride height part of their tolerance out or at least change it so that a lot more people will ride my rollercoasters please and thanks!
They do ride coasters so I doubt this is a difficulty or problem with the game. Used your Fear and Nausea heatmaps during coaster testing?
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