Improving the Minor Faction interactions - station takeovers!

Currently; to take over an installation a minor faction must enter an election or civil war with the minor faction that controls the installation. Once in the civil war or election state, they must perform certain actions to increase influence to win. How to increase influence isn't directly tied to that installation. It also allows for no direct targeting of which installation a minor faction wants.


For Civil War:
Create a new internal module -> Remote Boarding Limpet Controller. This module would load a combat drone/clone/crew member (multi-crew?) to the station, and they can kill so many enemy combatants. Before dying. Better controllers mean the drone/clone lasts longer. (Multi-crew would depend on skill of CMDR!) They would have a very short firing and active range - 500m maximum!

Stations weapon hard-points would be destructible and in order to launch a limpet, you'd have to blow up enough of the weapon hard points in order to stay in range safely. (Torpedos/missiles might gain additional usage here)

Of course the opposition faction would have ships defending the station, and your faction would have ships attacking the installation; balance of power in terms of ships would depend on influence. So equal influence would give both sides access to ships up to FDL/Clipper/FGS level - increasing your factions influence gives them more ships and better ships (so Anacondas or Corvettes/Cutters if they are aligned to that faction) and the reducing influence of the opposition faction reduces their access to bigger ships - meaning at 5% influence they may only have access to Vipers.

The intention being you'd need to work on reducing the opposition before attempting to use the boarding limpets. (or use fast small fighters dodging around the station infrastructure!) Opposition ships would of course be attempting to stop you.

And the bonus kicker event... obviously the opposition minor faction would be attempting to take one of your stations (if you have one!)

For election states;

Like the current expansion efforts of the Power Play, this would rely on propaganda materials being transported to affected stations. Players could pick up propaganda missions from a station their minor faction controls and take it to the oppositions station. NPC ships would also be carrying this propaganda; opening opportunities for CMDR's to interdict opposition ships (possibly forcing the cancellation of the election, provoking armed escort from system authority ships or invoking a civil war state) Influence gains would increase the number of NPC ships heading out with propaganda for that minor faction etc.

This could also work for expansions...

what do you think?
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To Add to civil war station boarding idea, the defending party could also send re-inforcements by using the same method, or by landing and delivering Personal Weapons, Reactive Armour etc.
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