Incentive based missions to improve gameplay

I posted this idea somewhere else today but I am new to forums and the correct procedure for posting ideas,
so here it is again.
I am mainly interested in bounty hunting and trading but since Horizons I have noticed that the missions for
bounty hunting for pirates has almost disappeared. Even when they were available it was still seemed a bit
sporadic and somewhat aimless.
My suggestion is to have a sort of tiered structure to the missions which will give some purpose and something
to aim for instead of wandering about aimlessly hoping to pick up missions.
By this I mean, on arrival for the first time in a system, missions on offer will be low paid and easy targets, i.e. sidewinders and eagles with harmless and mostly harmless status with correspondingly low bounties paid for the destruction of each target.
On return to the issuing station with a successful completion, the next missions on offer should be higher paid
but with higher class targets to eliminate and with correspondingly higher bounties on each kill. This should get more and more difficult after each successful mission but failure should set you back to where you started in that system.
A similar procedure could be introduced for trading. Easy cargo and short hops at first but further distances to go, more difficult and dangerous (i.e. interdictions) as successful missions increase but getting higher rewards.
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