Independent group in a time zone near GMT +10


Hi, this is Commander JordyZ broadcasting,
I am looking for a group unaffiliated with any of the major factions vying for power in the galaxy, one that has no objection to *ahem* nefarious actions of the highly illegal variety. I am available to fly with other group member around 6-8 pm GMT +10 Terran time Monday to Thursday, significantly later on Friday and at varying times on weekends depending on other commitments.
JordyZ, out.


OOC I am somewhat interested in RP but it is not a deal breaker to me if your group is not. Also it must be understood that IRL stuff comes first no matter what.
u havent seen the pand group, merely state youre intention to assist us, if u can bring friends its welcome, the group goals are prety open ( sorry its now the purple central industries group) and GMT 10 is aussie me and zeeman are aussie. Theres a few others around our tz to
You have my attention, you will understand however if I continue to look around at other groups before committing to one.
You have my attention, you will understand however if I continue to look around at other groups before committing to one.

oh yes of course, all these posts by individuals looking for groups i always offer mine, there is a good gropu in mikunn and lugh and the communists sgroup as well
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