Inside a black hole!

A black hole is a geometrically defined region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—including particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it.

Well my anaconda doesn't seem to care about simple, ordinary laws of the universe.


So i jumped into a black hole system, because why not?
I had not been at a black hole for some time, so it could be nice to see the lensing effects again.


- Hyperspace -



So, i logged back in.


And i realized i was inside the hole!






Now does anyone know of any free recording software?
It's really cool to look at the lensing effect going straight trough the hole, but i need some recording software for that.

Fly safe commanders!

EDIT : Yey! Got a video up!

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While you're in there, could you just quickly come up with an anti gravity equation so we can make giant space stations and evacuate Earth? Oktycya!
You really have, boldly gone where no Commander has gone before!

Wild .. +1

I saw someone else that had a similar glitch and run in with a black hole, but it was a while back.


OP, you might want to report this as a bug, interesting as it may be. Personally, I'm not all that fond of immersion breaking scenarios and disconnection issues. Thanks for sharing though, of course.
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Damn, my video screwed up again!
I did everything right, but it still just didn't want to work :/
I'll try again tomorrow morning.
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mmm, i can't get the software to work.
All my videos end up like this, no matter what i do :


mmm, i can't get the software to work.
All my videos end up like this, no matter what i do
Not sure what is going on there but I'll try to explain how to set OBS up:

1. Open the settings, go to "Broadcasting Settings". Set the mode to "File Output Only" and set a path you like. Confirm with "OK".
2. In the main window, click "Global Sources...". In the new window, click "Add" and select "Game Capture". Enter a name, e.g. "Elite Dangerous". Another new window pops up where you can select the application OBS should record from. Make sure that ED is running and select it from the list. For me it is called "[EliteDangerous32]: Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT)". Click "OK" and "OK" again in the "Global Sources" window.
3. Back in the main window, there are two list views, "Scenes" and "Sources". Right click inside the "Sources" view and select "Add" -> "Global Source" -> "Elite Dangerous" (or whatever you named it). Make sure it is checked!

This way you can add presets for different games and switch between them by simply checking/unchecking them.

Also adjust video and audio quality ("Encoding" page in the settings window). I usually choose a max video bitrate of 12000 kb/s, which yields nice quality for 1080p recording and is still not too large to upload.

4. Now you're ready to go, press "Start Recording" and the resulting videos should be fine.
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OKAY ; Got it sorted out! :D
Found out i had to downscale my video for it to work (No idea why)

Anyways, video coming up soon!
Sorry guys, but i think i'll have to abandon this project.
Can't get it to work no matter what i do :/
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