is driving the park tour removed?

Still glad we got it in the game though. i can see they tried and it looks good even though not the same as in the movie.


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This is a great question, have a day job so I only got to mission 3 last night, is it not possible to drive the Jungle Explorer?
Why would they not let you drive the tour car, that's such a wierd thing to not include.
It kinda makes sense since the cars are supposed to be electric and unable to leave the track, but I've seen a triceratops ram one off the track and it automatically drove back to the path on it's own so that illusion is already ruined anyway.
It kinda makes sense since the cars are supposed to be electric and unable to leave the track, but I've seen a triceratops ram one off the track and it automatically drove back to the path on it's own so that illusion is already ruined anyway.
Yea but not everything makes sense in this game, why must the ford explorer replica make sense, I hope they can allow us to drive it :( its no big deal though atleast we get to drive the jeep
Also can we please have it so that we can use tour trucks for transportation? Considering we dont even have a monorail in JP era it would make sense to finally allow us to connect multiple JT buildings together.
The explorers are slow but I'LL TAKE IT
This is the closest thing to a playable ford explorer since like forever and I don't think there are any dinosaur games with that so I'm happy and extremely thankful to the frontier team. Thanks :)
Well now we just need the ability to connect tour buildings to each other as a mode of transportation (for both eras) and it will be complete.
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