Newcomer / Intro Is it possible for a starport to be destroyed?

As dm06 said. In the case of a thargoid attack all ships in the damaged station are moved to the rescue megaship that always appears nearby. A funny experience when you login unsuspectingly after the thursday tick.
As dm06 said. In the case of a thargoid attack all ships in the damaged station are moved to the rescue megaship that always appears nearby. A funny experience when you login unsuspectingly after the thursday tick.
And when the station is repaired anything on the Rescue Ship ends up in the station.

Only Thargoids or an act of FDev can damage stations or worse.
I remember when GD 140 was attacked a while ago. I had all my ships in Liwei Terminal (which was attacked) and I had to find another station with a shipyard and manually transfer them over. Perhaps this has changed, now.
I remember when GD 140 was attacked a while ago. I had all my ships in Liwei Terminal (which was attacked) and I had to find another station with a shipyard and manually transfer them over. Perhaps this has changed, now.
Yes, you're right. Only the active ships of all commanders docked at the damaged station will be transferred to the rescue ship. Stored ships stay in the damaged station but can be transferred to a shipyard somewhere else as usual.
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